Wednesday, August 31, 2011

India -- People: 1, Corruption: 0

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Dear friends across India,

We did it! On Saturday, the Parliament unanimously endorsed a strong Jan Lokpal: a historic victory for people-powered democracy in India! The Times of India called Avaaz "a key player in the Jan Lokpal initiative" -- thanks to the lakhs of Avaaz members who took action. Let's celebrate together and decide our next steps:
We did it! On Saturday, the Parliament unanimously endorsed a strong Jan Lokpal: a historic victory for people-powered democracy in India!

The Jan Lokpal proposal was initially slammed by many as naïve, and even subversive. But our movement caught fire across the country and together we turned the passage of an ambitious anti-corruption bill from impossible to unstoppable. The Times of India hailed Avaaz 'a key player in the Jan Lokpal initiative'. The bill still has hurdles to clear before becoming law, but if we stick together we can keep making history.

Over the last few months, Avaaz members have tirelessly taken action to strengthen the Lokpal, countering every effort to delay, weaken, and kill it. Let's share messages of congratulations and hope for a stronger, corruption-free India. Click here to celebrate our victory with others across the country and take part in a national poll to decide our next steps:

Here's a quick summary of the last four months in our amazing people-powered community in India:

Anna Hazare 'I would like to thank the people of India for their immense support' -- Anna Hazare
Candles in front of India gate

Direct Delivery to Committee

Anna cutting the cake

Photo of Billboard

Photo of Billboard

Anna leaving jail

Night protest

For a strong Lokpal: When Anna Hazare sat in Delhi for his fast in April, he sparked a tinderbox of anti-corruption passion that quickly engulfed the entire country -- in just 36 hours, almost seven lakh people joined our campaign to 'stand with Anna' for a strong Lokpal bill. We delivered our message directly to the Prime Minister and the media and helped build enough pressure to force the Government to agree to Hazare's demands. In fact, this became the most viral campaign in online campaigning history.

Rapid-response action against the smear: We immediately reacted and fought the Government's smear campaign of civil society calling on PM Singh to stop the slander. We held the Government accountable for their dirty tricks and attempts to derail the anti-corruption movement, and days later the most direct and heated attacks vanished from the front pages of media.

Solidarity at India Gate: We joined a powerful citizen's march on May Day, culminating at India Gate in Delhi where candles were lit in the formation of 6,57,371 -- the number of Indians who signed the petition to demand a strong Jan Lokpal and symbolizing the hope of an entire country.

Direct high-level delivery of our message: Our call for a strong Lokpal was delivered directly to the first crucial meeting of the drafting committee, in front of the media. Civil society and media called the meeting cooperative and commented that, finally, the government was beginning to show its commitment to a strong anti-corruption bill.

6 ft Lokpal-cake: In a potent symbolic gesture of supporting good deeds, Avaaz members and children from the Salaam Balak Trust wearing khadi kurtas and Gandhi caps delivered a giant 6-foot cake with our petition numbers to Anna Hazare and other members of the drafting committee.

Our message resonates at the heart of Delhi's political life: We launched massive hard-hitting billboards near Parliament and across Delhi to bring our specific requests for a strong Lokpal to the streets.

Crunch time: In a last-minute attempt to water down the bill, the Government tried to remove the Prime Minister, Judiciary and sitting MPs from the Lokpal. We rapidly responded by flooding the inboxes of the PM, key Ministers and Sonia Gandhi with over 50,000 public comments and almost 20,000 faxes urging them not to kill the bill. They agreed to a conditional inclusion of the PM and promised to take our messages to the drafting committee.

India takes to the streets: An independent poll commissioned by Avaaz showed that the overwhelming majority of Indian voters wanted a ambitious Lokpal, with 48% ready to protest in the streets if the Government failed to pass a strong anti-corruption bill. When, finally, the Cabinet approved a toothless Lokpal draft for Parliament, thousands of us joined anti-corruption protests across the country, coordinated by India Against Corruption, sending the government a deafening message: we won't stop until we win!

Free Anna! On August 16th, as Anna Hazare prepared to leave his house to start a fast for a strong Lokpal, police arrested him. We surged again and together we delivered a 183,000-strong petition to PM Singh and Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi to free Anna and free India of corruption. His determination and our nation-wide protests forced the government to release him.

The whole country in protest: Last week, the people vs corruption reached its climax -- people poured onto the streets in solidarity with fasting Anna. The government tried to avoid a Parliamentary vote and discredit the movement, but we grew day by day and after 11 days of Anna's fasting, the Lok Sabha passed a historic Lokpal resolution!

Though the Lokpal has passed its biggest hurdle, it is far from finished. Our movement must remain vigilant as the bill goes through the Rajya Sabha to PM Singh's desk, and on into implementation. But momentum is on our side, and we, together, are creating a new force for hope and change. Let's take a moment to reflect on our successes and share our dreams of what we can do together for India tomorrow and in the years to come. Join the conversation and participate in a poll to decide our next steps in the fight against corruption:

The Lokpal story is amazing, but it's no fluke. Avaaz members in India are also part of an amazing 97 lakh-strong global community, which is racking up major victories every month across the world -- protecting internet freedom in Italy and Brazil, fighting media-corruption in the UK and Canada, supporting pro-democracy activists in the Middle East and beyond, and much more. Every day, our community joins hands to bring people power to global decision-making and step by step create the world we all want, at home and abroad. They said passing Jan Lokpal was impossible, but we've proved that together, there are no limits to what we can we achieve.

With hope and gratitude for this amazing community,

Ricken, Shibayan, Luis, Emma, David, Shivendra, and the Avaaz team

Media Highlights:

Times of India: profile of Avaaz campaigning:

Piece discussing the road to final Lokpal passage, The Hindu:

Article detailing the bill passed by Lok Sabha:

Avaaz decries cabinet's endorsement of a weak Lokpal Bill, Times of India:

Citizens push to bring Prime Minister in Lokpal ambit, Times of India:

Support to Haraze's fast swelling in region, Times of India

How Web 2.0 responded to Hazare, The Hindu

Indian govt grapples with hunger-striker, AFP

Avaaz – the online activist network in The Guardian

Avaaz feature article, Times of London

Support the Avaaz Community!
We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way. Donate to Avaaz is a 9-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 13 countries on 4 continents and operates in 14 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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राजनैतिक, आर्थिक, संस्कृतिक मुद्दो और आम आदमी के सवालो पर सार्थक हस्तक्षेप

राजनैतिक, आर्थिक, संस्कृतिक मुद्दो और आम आदमी के सवालो पर सार्थक हस्तक्षेप

Link to

व्यवस्था के शस्त्रागार का एक नया हथियार अण्णा

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 06:07 AM PDT

आनंद स्वरूप वर्मा जो लोग यह मानते रहे हैं और लोगों को बताते रहे हैं कि पूंजीवादी और साम्राज्यवादी लूट पर टिकी यह व्यवस्था सड़ गल चुकी है और इसे नष्ट किये बिना आम आदमी की बेहतरी संभव नहीं है उनके बरक्स अण्णा हजारे ने एक हद तक सफलतापूर्वक यह दिखाने की कोशिश की कि [...]

पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें

अब हम वन डे सीरीज़ में तीर मारेंगे…

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 01:13 AM PDT

काजल कुमार

पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें

छोरा गोमती किनारे वाला ,मुंबई में छपाई की दुनिया का दादा है

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 01:07 AM PDT

शेष नारायण सिंह  पिछले हफ्ते एक दिन सुबह जब मैंने अखबार उठाया तो टाइम्स आफ इंडिया  देख कर चमत्कृत रह गया . अखबार बहुत ही चमकदार था .लगा कि अलमूनियम की शीट पर छाप कर टाइम्स वालों ने अखबार भेजा है . लेकिन यह कमाल पहले पेज पर ही था.समझ में बात आ गयी कि यह तो [...]

पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें

पैदा हुई जनवादी विकल्प की जरूरत

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 09:33 PM PDT

दिनकर कपूर, अन्ना आन्दोलन की जीत ने देश में काफी समय बाद जनता की प्रभुसत्ता को स्थापित किया है। इस आन्दोलन ने पुनः साबित किया कि सत्ता और सरकार चाहे कितनी भी ताकतवर क्यों न हो उसे सच और इस सच के साथ खड़ी हुई जनता की भावनाओं के सामने झुकना पडता है। इस आंदोलन [...]

पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें

यूरोप- अमेरिका दलदल में

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 09:19 PM PDT

जितेंद्र भारत के पुराणों में एक कहानी है। एक था राजा ययाति। जीवन में भरपूर सुख और ऐश भोगने के बाद जब उसका बुढ़ापा आया तो उसने वृद्ध होना नहीं चाहा। उसे लगातार सुख भोगते जाने की लालसा थी। लेकिन बुढ़ापा उसकी लालसा में बाधक बन रहा था। उसने अपनी तीनों लड़कों को बुलाया और [...]

पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें

उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस लाश गाडी से इस तरह वसूली करती है

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 08:57 PM PDT

रणधीर सिंह सुमन गोंडा जनपद के उतरौला से लाश गाडी से दाह संस्कार करने के लिये लोग अयोध्या आ रहे थे कि रास्ते में मनकापुर कोतवाल राम लखन व सिपाही अखिलेश्वर शर्मा ने लाश गाडी को रोक लिया और रुपये की मांग ड्राईवर से करने लगे। ड्राईवर द्वारा रुपया न देने पर चालक सीट पर [...]

पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें

व्यंग्य – लगा भी दो अब शतक

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 08:47 PM PDT

राजकुमार साहू हमारा देश अनंत विविधताओं से ओत-प्रोत है। 33 करोड़ देवी-देवताओं से हममें से हर कोई कुछ न कुछ मांगते रहता है। भगवान भी देर से ही सही, अपनी आराधना करने वालों की सुध लेते ही हैं। तभी तो मन्दिरो में मत्था टेकने वालों में भगदड़ मचती रहती है। भगवान हममें से कइयों को [...]

पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें

रेल मंत्रालय का दावा –खेलकूद की प्रतिभाओं को निखारा जाएगा

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 08:03 PM PDT

शेष  नारायण सिंह  नई दिल्ली,३० अगस्त.रेल मंत्री दिनेश त्रिवेदी ने कहा है कि खेल कूद को प्राथमिकता देने  के उद्देश्य से अब रेलवे  मंत्रालय अब खिलाड़ियों के लिए ख़ास सहूलियतें तो देगा ही ,खेलकूद को रेलवे में संस्थागत तरीके से  विकसित किया जाएगा.. इस मकसद को हासिल करने के लिए अब रेल विभाग में एक स्पोर्ट्स काडर बनाया जाएगा. उसके आलावा [...]

पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें

राजनीतिक दलों के सदस्यों की आचार संहिता होनी चाहिए

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 07:45 PM PDT

  वीरेन्द्र जैन    गत दो दशकों के दौरान चुनाव आयोग ने राजनीतिक दलों के उम्मीदवारों और उनके परिवारीजनों के लिए कुछ उद्घोषणाओं को अनिवार्य करके बहुत अच्छा काम किया है जो हमारे लोकतंत्र की मूल भावनाओं को कार्यांवित करने की दिशा में मददगार हो रहा है। चुनाव आयोग ने उम्मीदवारों को निर्वाचन फार्म भरते [...]

पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें

सरकार नतमस्तक हुई अरुण जेटली की प्रतिभा के सामने

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 07:23 PM PDT

शेष नारायण सिंह  नई दिल्ली,३० अगस्त . अन्ना हजारे के अनशन से पैदा हुए संकट को हल करने में जब सरकार पूरी तरह से फेल हो गयी तो राज्य सभा में विपक्ष के नेता , अरुण जेटली ने संसद और देश की राजनीतिक व्यवस्था के सामने मौजूद संकट का हल निकालने में  बहुत बड़ी भूमिका निभाई. पता चला  है [...]

पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें

Daily Encounter ... God's Good News [Thursday, September 1, 2011]

Daily Encounter ... daily inspirational by Richard Innes of ACTS International

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Daily Encounter by
Richard (Dick) Innes of ACTS International

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

God's Good News

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes."1

The word "gospel" means good news—it is the greatest news in all the world—it is the Good News of God's salvation, without which mankind would be doomed for eternal damnation and separation from God, the author of all love and life.

But why is the gospel God's Good News?

First, the gospel is not a message about religion but a message about God's eternal love and purpose for all mankind. Religion wants to fix us from the outside in. God wants to fix us from the inside out. The first can become an impossible burden. The latter is what brings freedom.

Also, it's important to realize that no matter what we have ever done or have failed to do God loves us with an everlasting love and has a wonderful purpose for our lives—for this life and the next. As Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."2 And again, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."3

Second, the gospel is a message about sin, something we are all guilty of. As the Bible says, "We have all sinned and fallen short of God's standard."4 Sin, however, is not only doing harmful acts. It is anything that falls short of the standard of perfection that God envisioned for us. This includes an unforgiving spirit, pride, jealousy, mixed motives, etc. Most of us, too, are guilty of sins of omission; that is, not doing what we know we should and could do.5

However, a common misconception about God is that he is out to punish us for our sins. The fact is we bring sin's punishment on ourselves because sin has its own natural consequences. If we try to break the universal law of gravity, for instance, we can't. It will break us. Neither can we break God's universal moral law. When we try to, it breaks us. And besides its painful effects in this life—suffering, sorrow, sadness, sickness and spiritual death—its ultimate and tragic consequence is eternal death and separation from God.6

Third, the gospel is a message about God's remedy. Because sin has separated or disconnected us from God, we have been left with a "God-shaped" vacuum or spiritual emptiness within. As St. Augustine put it, "You have made us for yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you." The world's many religions are all evidence of man's endless search to find God and fill this vacuum. However, because God loves us so much, he sent his own sinless Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our predicament.7 Christ did this by dying on the cross in our place to pay the consequence of and ransom price for our sins—death. Thus, Jesus Christ is God's only provision for our sin. He is the only way back to God and the only door to eternal life.8

Finally, the gospel is a summons to faith and repentance. If you were found guilty of a serious crime and were condemned to death, would you accept a free unconditional pardon, if offered? Because Jesus Christ died on the cross in your and my place, God now offers you complete acquittal, forgiveness, and the gift of eternal life. All you need to do is confess and repent of [turn way from] your sinful actions, believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he died for your sins, and invite him into your life as Savior and Lord.

The following prayer will help you do this. "Dear God, I confess that I am a sinner and am sorry for all the wrongs I have done and the sins that I have committed. I believe that your Son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross for my sins. Please forgive me for all my sins and I invite you, Jesus, to come into my heart and life as Savior and Lord. I commit and trust my life to you. Please give me the desire to be what you want me to be and to do what you want me to do. Thank you for dying for my sins, for your forgiveness and free pardon, for your gift of eternal life, and for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus' name, amen."

If you prayed this prayer and genuinely meant it, please click on to let us know and we will send you a free copy of the eBrochure, "How to Grow."

NOTE: This article is condensed from, "Godspell" on our ACTS web site at:

1. Romans 1:16 (NIV).
2. John 3:16 (NIV).
3. John 10:10 (NIV).
4. Romans 3:23.
5. James 4:17.
6. Romans 6:23.
7. See Ephesians 2:8-9.
8. See John 14:6 and Romans 5:8.


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Audio CDs by Dick Innes

CDs by Dick Innes
: "Loving and Understand-ing People," "Healing Whole-ness and Happi-ness," "I Hate Witnessing," and "God's Formula for Success." Designed to inform and inspire and sprinkled with humor.

  On SALE at Store

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