Monday, November 30, 2015

पब्लिक फिगर उर्वशी शर्मा

पेज लिखे करें l

Public Figure Urvashi Sharma

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This is the movement our world has been waiting for

Dear extraordinary Avaazers,

We did it! Despite losing our flagship Paris event, this weekend's Global Climate March still broke records as the largest climate mobilisation in history! From São Paulo to Sydney, 785,000 of us shook the ground in over 2,300 events in 175 countries, united in one voice calling for a 100% clean energy future to save everything we love. It was front page media worldwide, and the impact is already being felt at the summit here in Paris.

It's nearly impossible to describe the powerful and diverse beauty of humanity that rose up yesterday, but these photos help:

London, UK

This is the movement our world has been waiting for. Many countries, from Bangladesh to Ireland, saw the largest climate marches in their history. In Australia, 120,000 people marched, in India, over 100,000. And in towns across the planet small groups of us joined together in beautiful local events. Even in Sana'a, Yemen, organisers went ahead with their march despite bombs falling close to the route!

Clockwise from top left: Melbourne, Helsinki, Berlin, Amsterdam, Bogotá, Jakarta

In France, massive planned marches of over 500,000 people were cancelled for security concerns, but Avaazers rallied to collect and display over 20,000 shoes of people who wanted to march -- including the Pope's and the UN Secretary-General's! -- placed at the Place de la Republique, right on the doorstep of the climate talks:

Global climate marches were covered by hundreds of major news outlets and made the front pages from Al Jazeera to the New York Times.

Pope Francis' envoy said of our marches: "The Pope is in spirit with hundreds of thousands today, hand in hand with the poor and those who seek climate justice."

Today, in his opening address to world leaders, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed: "The peoples of the world are also on the move. They have taken to the streets, in cities and towns across the world, in a mass mobilization for change… They expect each and every one of you to show leadership equal to the test. History is calling."

And Christiana Figueres, the head of the UN climate talks, thanked us all and announced: "I am working with Avaaz to install a large screen for your voices to be heard. All delegates will be able to see your support for a strong climate change agreement that protects our common home.''

Click to see more pictures from the day and messages from those who marched

Today, the crucial climate talks begin. For years politicians have said to us "Show us that people care and then we will act". This weekend we've shown them that the whole world wants a 100% clean energy deal. And right now a video of us demanding it is screening above Heads of State as they enter the conference. They can't miss us. And they won't miss our call either -- Avaaz's top staff are right inside the summit and will be carrying our voices to the negotiators everytime they try to dilute the deal.

We have taken our movement to a new level this weekend. Over the next two weeks, let's keep coming back again and again, to keep our flame of hope held high, to shake these talks, until we win a deal to protect our future.

With so much gratitude and determination,

Emma, Alice, Luis, Ricken, Ben, Mais, Dan and the whole Avaaz team

P.S. Click here for an Op-Ed from our CEO, Ricken Patel, on this moment as a test of humanity.

Thousands of Avaazers have sent in stunning photos and videos of marches from all over the world. Over the next two weeks, they will be projected on a big screen at the summit — seen by world leaders and negotiators as they enter and exit. is a 41-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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‘समान त्वरित न्याय व्यवस्था स्थापना मांग यात्रा’ येश्वर्याज की अगुआई में 12 दिसम्बर को लखनऊ में

न्यायिक भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ 'न्याय यात्रा' निकाल और 'मोमबत्ती जला' 12
दिसम्बर को यूपी की राजधानी लखनऊ में विरोध प्रदर्शन कर न्यायिक
पारदर्शिता और जबाबदेही की मांग करेंगे समाजसेवी.

लखनऊ/30 नवम्बर 2015/ आने बाले 12 दिसम्बर को देश भर के अनेकों सामाजिक
संगठनों के पदाधिकारी और समाजसेवी न्यायिक भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ यूपी की
राजधानी लखनऊ में एकत्र होकर लखनऊ स्थित सामाजिक संगठन येश्वर्याज सेवा
संस्थान की अगुआई में जिलाधिकारी आवास से हजरतगंज जीपीओ स्थित महात्मा
गांधी पार्क तक पैदल मार्च करेंगे और महात्मा गांधी की प्रतिमा पर
मोमबत्ती जलाकर त्वरित न्याय के लिए सभी न्यायालयों में न्यायिक
पारदर्शिता और जबाबदेही स्थापित करने की अपनी मांगों को बुलंद
करेंगे.कार्यक्रम का समन्वयन समाजसेवी तनवीर अहमद सिद्दीकी और सह-समन्वयन
समाजसेवी राम स्वरुप यादव करेंगे .

येश्वर्याज की सचिव,सामाजिक कार्यकत्री और आरटीआई एक्टिविस्ट उर्वशी
शर्मा ने बताया कि न्यायिक पारदर्शिता न होने के कारण ही न्यायिक
प्रक्रियाओं में भी भ्रष्टाचार गहरे तक घर कर गया है और इसलिए आज सभी के
लिए एकसमान न्याय की बात बेमानी सी हो गयी है.सलमान खान के केस का हवाला
देते हुए उर्वशी ने कहा कि सलमान को लाभ पंहुचाने के लिए पहले तो इस केस
को 13 साल तक लटकाए रखा जाता है और फिर इसे तीन दिन के भीतर निबटा भी
दिया जाता है. उर्वशी ने कहा कि ऐसा इसलिए हो सका क्योंकि सलमान न्याय को
खरीदने में समर्थ हैं जबकि एक आम आदमी, जो न्याय के लिए भुगतान नहीं कर
पाता है वह न्याय पाने में पीछे छूट जाता है. न्याय व्यवस्था पर कटाक्ष
करते हुए उर्वशी ने कहा कि यह कैसी व्यवस्था है जो जब चाहे तब न्याय में
देरी भी कर सकती है और उसमें तेजी भी ला सकती है. उर्वशी ने कहा कि इस
कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से उनका संगठन उस न्यायिक व्यवस्था के खिलाफ आवाज
बुलंद करने को आगे आया है जिसमें विशिष्ट लोग और अमीर लोग जेल जाने से बच
जाते हैं और निर्दोष होने पर भी गरीब जेलों में पड़े रहते हैं.

बकौल उर्वशी भारतीय संविधान की प्रस्तावना में स्वतंत्रता और समानता से
पहले न्याय को जगह दिया जाना यह स्पष्ट करता है कि संविधान निर्माताओं की
द्रष्टि में एक अपने नागरिकों को न्याय उपलब्ध कराना भारत के लोकतंत्र का
सर्वप्रमुख दायित्व था पर इस संविधान के लागू होने के 65 सालों बाद भी
न्यायिक प्रक्रियाओं में समानता की दिशा में उपलब्धियां कम हं और
चिंताएं अधिक। उर्वशी ने कहा कि न्याय मे देरी और लंबित प्रकरणों की
बढ़ती संख्या के मुद्दों पर चिंता तो सभी व्यक्त करते हैं पर इस समस्या
का हल निकालने की दिशा में किये गए प्रयासों का कोई सार्थक परिणाम अभी तक
सामने नहीं आया है.उर्वशी ने कहा कि न्याय की एक पारदर्शी और जिम्मेदार
प्रणाली विकसित किये बिना इस समस्या का समाधान संभव नहीं है. उर्वशी ने
कहा कि न्यायपालिका स्वायत्तता के नाम पर जवाबदेही से बचती है जो सही
नहीं है.

उर्वशी ने बताया कि वे देश भर के सामाजिक संगठनों और समाजसेवियों से अपील
करेंगी कि वे सब इस 'त्वरित न्याय संघर्ष यात्रा को अपना समर्थन दें.
बकौल उर्वशी उनका प्रयास है कि आने बाले 12 दिसम्बर को भारत के अधिक से
अधिक जिला मुख्यालयों पर न्यायिक भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ एक विरोध प्रदर्शन

उर्वशी ने बताया कि कार्यक्रम की अधिक जानकारी हेतु कार्यक्रम के समन्वयक
तनवीर अहमद सिद्दीकी से मोबाइल नंबर 9335011869 ( हिंदी ) पर,सह-समन्वयन
राम स्वरुप यादव से मोबाइल नंबर 9455508230 (हिंदी ) पर और संस्था के
हेल्पलाइन नंबर 8081898081/ 9455553838 ( अंगरेजी और हिंदी ) पर संपर्क
कर कार्यक्रम की अद्यतन जानकारी प्राप्त की जा सकती है.

उर्वशी ने बताया कि इस न्याय यात्रा और विरोध प्रदर्शन के माध्यम से
न्यायालयों में पारदर्शिता और जबाबदेही सुनिश्चित करने के लिए अदालती
कार्यवाहियों की विडियो रिकॉर्डिंग कराने, सुप्रीम कोर्ट/हाई कोर्ट/निचली
अदालतों/अपीलीय अदालतों आदि मुक़दमे के निपटान की अधिकतम समय सीमा
निर्धारित करने आदि मांगों को उठाते हुए देश के
राष्ट्रपति,प्रधानमंत्री,मुख्य न्यायधीश और सभी प्रदेशों के
राज्यपालों,मुख्यमंत्रियों और उच्च न्यायालयों के न्यायधीशों को ज्ञापन
भेजा जाएगा.

उर्वशी ने सभी सामाजिक संगठनों और समाजसेवियों से अपील की है कि वे इस
कार्यक्रम में शामिल होकर उनके संगठन के इस प्रयास को सफल बनाएं और ई-मेल और पर अपने सुझाव
और मांगपत्रों में सम्मिलित करने हेतु सुझाव भेजने का अनुरोध किया है.

उर्वशी ने सभी से इस कार्यक्रम की अद्यतन जानकारी हेतु इस इवेंट के पेज पर क्लिक करने की
अपील भी की है .

YAISHWARYAJ led 'NYAY YATRA' and 'Candle Lit' Demonstration on
December 12,2015 in Lucknow (U.P.) for 'Speedy justice delivery to
all' .

Various Social organizations and Social Activists from various states
of India and abroad to March & demonstrate from 3 PM to 5 PM in
Lucknow against Judicial corruption and also to demand judicial
transparency and accountability in India.

Lucknow / November 30, 2015 / On coming December 12, Activists coming
from several social organizations across the country shall march
against Judicial corruption in India. Social workers shall gather near
residence of district collector in Lucknow,the capital city of Uttar
Pradesh and shall march from there to Mahatma Gandhi Park near GPO in
Lucknow via Hazratganj to establish and uphold their demands for
'Speedy justice delivery to all' . This 'Nyay Yatra' is being
organized under the aegis of Social organization 'YAISHEARYAJ Seva

Later on activists shall demonstrate by lighting candles at the statue
of Mahatma Gandhi near GPO in Lucknow to press their demands for
judicial transparency and accountability in all courts for speedy
justice delivery to all.

Urvashi Sharma,Secretary of YAISHWARYAJ, a social worker and a RTI
activist said that lack of judicial transparency and accountability
are the prime causes of creeping corruption in the judicial processes.
Urvashi said that case of film actor Salman Khan is a glaring example
how a person, financially capable of affording justice can first keep
his case hanging for 13 years and then can get it settled in 3 days
also and that too to benefit himself on both the times.Urvashi said
Salman is free despite killing the poor sleeping on road because
Salman can afford justice while the common men, who can not pay for
justice,justice is left behind for many of them and they are forced to
languish in jails despite being innocent.

Taking a dig at the justice delivery system, Urvashi asked isn't it
ironical that the system which provides speedy justice in one case,the
very same system delays the delivery of justice indefinitely in
another case.

Urvashi said that through this program their organization has come
forward to speak against that judicial system in which so called elite
& rich people manage to avoid going to jail while poor & innocent are
forced to remain in jail.

Urvashi said that even the preamble of our constitution laid emphasis
on equality in the judicial processes but till now India has not been
able to provide the equality in the judicial processes due to lack of
a transparent and accountable judicial system.Urvashi said that the
judiciary has largely avoided accountability in the name of autonomy
which is not correct.

Urvashi said that YAISHWARYAJ would appeal to the country's social
organizations and activist to attend their symbolic struggle for
demand of speedy justice to all. Urvashi said that they wish that
those who are unable to attend this 'NYAY YATRA' against judicial
corruption in Lucknow, should plan one at their district headquarters
on December 12 or on dates of their own convenience.

Urvashi said that for more information one can contact program
coordinator Tanveer Ahmed Siddiqui on mobile number 9335011869 ( Hindi
) , co- coordinator Ram Swarup Yadav on mobile number 9455508230 (
Hindi ) or YAISHWARYAJ's helpline numbers 8081898081/9455553838 (
English and Hindi both ) to get updated information on the program.

Urvashi said through this program they shall raise their demands like
Video recording of all Court proceedings, maximum time limit for
litigation settlement in the Supreme Court / High Court / lower courts
/ appellate courts etc. A common memorandum shall be sent to
President, Prime Minister, Chief Justice of India and also to all
Provincial Governors, Chief Ministers and Judges of the High Courts.

Urvashi has requested all social organizations and social activists
across the globe to attend the program/organize one under intimation
to YAISHWARYAJ on e-mail ids and and send demands/suggestions on e-mail ids and to be included
in the memorandums.

Urvashi has requested all to visit event's online page for updated
information in this regard.

Urvashi Sharma
101,Narayan Tower, Opposite F block Idgah
Rajajipuram,Lucknow-226017,Uttar Pradesh,India
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838

YAISHWARYAJ led 'NYAY YATRA’ and ‘Candle Lit’ Demonstration on December 12,2015 in Lucknow (U.P.) for ‘Speedy justice delivery to all’ .

Various Social organizations and Social Activists from various states
of India and abroad to March & demonstrate from 3 PM to 5 PM in
Lucknow against Judicial corruption and also to demand judicial
transparency and accountability in India.

Lucknow / November 30, 2015 / On coming December 12, Activists coming
from several social organizations across the country shall march
against Judicial corruption in India. Social workers shall gather near
residence of district collector in Lucknow,the capital city of Uttar
Pradesh and shall march from there to Mahatma Gandhi Park near GPO in
Lucknow via Hazratganj to establish and uphold their demands for
'Speedy justice delivery to all' . This 'Nyay Yatra' is being
organized under the aegis of Social organization 'YAISHEARYAJ Seva

Later on activists shall demonstrate by lighting candles at the statue
of Mahatma Gandhi near GPO in Lucknow to press their demands for
judicial transparency and accountability in all courts for speedy
justice delivery to all.

Urvashi Sharma,Secretary of YAISHWARYAJ, a social worker and a RTI
activist said that lack of judicial transparency and accountability
are the prime causes of creeping corruption in the judicial processes.
Urvashi said that case of film actor Salman Khan is a glaring example
how a person, financially capable of affording justice can first keep
his case hanging for 13 years and then can get it settled in 3 days
also and that too to benefit himself on both the times.Urvashi said
Salman is free despite killing the poor sleeping on road because
Salman can afford justice while the common men, who can not pay for
justice,justice is left behind for many of them and they are forced to
languish in jails despite being innocent.

Taking a dig at the justice delivery system, Urvashi asked isn't it
ironical that the system which provides speedy justice in one case,the
very same system delays the delivery of justice indefinitely in
another case.

Urvashi said that through this program their organization has come
forward to speak against that judicial system in which so called elite
& rich people manage to avoid going to jail while poor & innocent are
forced to remain in jail.

Urvashi said that even the preamble of our constitution laid emphasis
on equality in the judicial processes but till now India has not been
able to provide the equality in the judicial processes due to lack of
a transparent and accountable judicial system.Urvashi said that the
judiciary has largely avoided accountability in the name of autonomy
which is not correct.

Urvashi said that YAISHWARYAJ would appeal to the country's social
organizations and activist to attend their symbolic struggle for
demand of speedy justice to all. Urvashi said that they wish that
those who are unable to attend this 'NYAY YATRA' against judicial
corruption in Lucknow, should plan one at their district headquarters
on December 12 or on dates of their own convenience.

Urvashi said that for more information one can contact program
coordinator Tanveer Ahmed Siddiqui on mobile number 9335011869 ( Hindi
) , co- coordinator Ram Swarup Yadav on mobile number 9455508230 (
Hindi ) or YAISHWARYAJ's helpline numbers 8081898081/9455553838 (
English and Hindi both ) to get updated information on the program.

Urvashi said through this program they shall raise their demands like
Video recording of all Court proceedings, maximum time limit for
litigation settlement in the Supreme Court / High Court / lower courts
/ appellate courts etc. A common memorandum shall be sent to
President, Prime Minister, Chief Justice of India and also to all
Provincial Governors, Chief Ministers and Judges of the High Courts.

Urvashi has requested all social organizations and social activists
across the globe to attend the program/organize one under intimation
to YAISHWARYAJ on e-mail ids and and send demands/suggestions on e-mail ids and to be included
in the memorandums.

Urvashi has requested all to visit event's online page for updated
information in this regard.

येश्वर्याज की अगुआई में 'त्वरित न्याय मांग यात्रा' 12 दिसम्बर को लखनऊ में

न्यायिक भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ 'न्याय यात्रा' निकाल और 'मोमबत्ती जला' 12
दिसम्बर को यूपी की राजधानी लखनऊ में विरोध प्रदर्शन कर न्यायिक
पारदर्शिता और जबाबदेही की मांग करेंगे समाजसेवी.

लखनऊ/30 नवम्बर 2015/ आने बाले 12 दिसम्बर को देश भर के अनेकों सामाजिक
संगठनों के पदाधिकारी और समाजसेवी न्यायिक भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ यूपी की
राजधानी लखनऊ में एकत्र होकर लखनऊ स्थित सामाजिक संगठन येश्वर्याज सेवा
संस्थान की अगुआई में जिलाधिकारी आवास से हजरतगंज जीपीओ स्थित महात्मा
गांधी पार्क तक पैदल मार्च करेंगे और महात्मा गांधी की प्रतिमा पर
मोमबत्ती जलाकर त्वरित न्याय के लिए सभी न्यायालयों में न्यायिक
पारदर्शिता और जबाबदेही स्थापित करने की अपनी मांगों को बुलंद
करेंगे.कार्यक्रम का समन्वयन समाजसेवी तनवीर अहमद सिद्दीकी और सह-समन्वयन
समाजसेवी राम स्वरुप यादव करेंगे .

येश्वर्याज की सचिव,सामाजिक कार्यकत्री और आरटीआई एक्टिविस्ट उर्वशी
शर्मा ने बताया कि न्यायिक पारदर्शिता न होने के कारण ही न्यायिक
प्रक्रियाओं में भी भ्रष्टाचार गहरे तक घर कर गया है और इसलिए आज सभी के
लिए एकसमान न्याय की बात बेमानी सी हो गयी है.सलमान खान के केस का हवाला
देते हुए उर्वशी ने कहा कि सलमान को लाभ पंहुचाने के लिए पहले तो इस केस
को 13 साल तक लटकाए रखा जाता है और फिर इसे तीन दिन के भीतर निबटा भी
दिया जाता है. उर्वशी ने कहा कि ऐसा इसलिए हो सका क्योंकि सलमान न्याय को
खरीदने में समर्थ हैं जबकि एक आम आदमी, जो न्याय के लिए भुगतान नहीं कर
पाता है वह न्याय पाने में पीछे छूट जाता है. न्याय व्यवस्था पर कटाक्ष
करते हुए उर्वशी ने कहा कि यह कैसी व्यवस्था है जो जब चाहे तब न्याय में
देरी भी कर सकती है और उसमें तेजी भी ला सकती है. उर्वशी ने कहा कि इस
कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से उनका संगठन उस न्यायिक व्यवस्था के खिलाफ आवाज
बुलंद करने को आगे आया है जिसमें विशिष्ट लोग और अमीर लोग जेल जाने से बच
जाते हैं और निर्दोष होने पर भी गरीब जेलों में पड़े रहते हैं.

बकौल उर्वशी भारतीय संविधान की प्रस्तावना में स्वतंत्रता और समानता से
पहले न्याय को जगह दिया जाना यह स्पष्ट करता है कि संविधान निर्माताओं की
द्रष्टि में एक अपने नागरिकों को न्याय उपलब्ध कराना भारत के लोकतंत्र का
सर्वप्रमुख दायित्व था पर इस संविधान के लागू होने के 65 सालों बाद भी
न्यायिक प्रक्रियाओं में समानता की दिशा में उपलब्धियां कम हं और
चिंताएं अधिक। उर्वशी ने कहा कि न्याय मे देरी और लंबित प्रकरणों की
बढ़ती संख्या के मुद्दों पर चिंता तो सभी व्यक्त करते हैं पर इस समस्या
का हल निकालने की दिशा में किये गए प्रयासों का कोई सार्थक परिणाम अभी तक
सामने नहीं आया है.उर्वशी ने कहा कि न्याय की एक पारदर्शी और जिम्मेदार
प्रणाली विकसित किये बिना इस समस्या का समाधान संभव नहीं है. उर्वशी ने
कहा कि न्यायपालिका स्वायत्तता के नाम पर जवाबदेही से बचती है जो सही
नहीं है.

उर्वशी ने बताया कि वे देश भर के सामाजिक संगठनों और समाजसेवियों से अपील
करेंगी कि वे सब इस 'त्वरित न्याय संघर्ष यात्रा को अपना समर्थन दें.
बकौल उर्वशी उनका प्रयास है कि आने बाले 12 दिसम्बर को भारत के अधिक से
अधिक जिला मुख्यालयों पर न्यायिक भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ एक विरोध प्रदर्शन

उर्वशी ने बताया कि कार्यक्रम की अधिक जानकारी हेतु कार्यक्रम के समन्वयक
तनवीर अहमद सिद्दीकी से मोबाइल नंबर 9335011869 ( हिंदी ) पर,सह-समन्वयन
राम स्वरुप यादव से मोबाइल नंबर 9455508230 (हिंदी ) पर और संस्था के
हेल्पलाइन नंबर 8081898081/ 9455553838 ( अंगरेजी और हिंदी ) पर संपर्क
कर कार्यक्रम की अद्यतन जानकारी प्राप्त की जा सकती है.

उर्वशी ने बताया कि इस न्याय यात्रा और विरोध प्रदर्शन के माध्यम से
न्यायालयों में पारदर्शिता और जबाबदेही सुनिश्चित करने के लिए अदालती
कार्यवाहियों की विडियो रिकॉर्डिंग कराने, सुप्रीम कोर्ट/हाई कोर्ट/निचली
अदालतों/अपीलीय अदालतों आदि मुक़दमे के निपटान की अधिकतम समय सीमा
निर्धारित करने आदि मांगों को उठाते हुए देश के
राष्ट्रपति,प्रधानमंत्री,मुख्य न्यायधीश और सभी प्रदेशों के
राज्यपालों,मुख्यमंत्रियों और उच्च न्यायालयों के न्यायधीशों को ज्ञापन
भेजा जाएगा.

उर्वशी ने सभी सामाजिक संगठनों और समाजसेवियों से अपील की है कि वे इस
कार्यक्रम में शामिल होकर उनके संगठन के इस प्रयास को सफल बनाएं और ई-मेल और पर अपने सुझाव
और मांगपत्रों में सम्मिलित करने हेतु सुझाव भेजने का अनुरोध किया है.

उर्वशी ने सभी से इस कार्यक्रम की अद्यतन जानकारी हेतु इस इवेंट के पेज पर क्लिक करने की
अपील भी की है .

Urvashi Sharma
101,Narayan Tower, Opposite F block Idgah
Rajajipuram,Lucknow-226017,Uttar Pradesh,India
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838

{Awareness} Admissions in 4 Months Diploma / Certificate Courses. [1 Attachment]



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{Awareness} LNH - Skills Development Courses in December 2015 at Research & Skills Development Centre (RSDC), LNH


{Awareness} Find Your Passion in Life


How to identify your passion in life
Virender Kapoor
"Passion Quotient (PQ) is the ferocity with which
you love to do something and you don't know why"
The rich and famous, the movers and shakers are not necessarily high school toppers. Nor do such successful people hold great college degrees. They are successful because they can generate enthusiasm at will, in themselves, in their colleagues and in the environment. These are the people who love their subordinates, admire their bosses and are prepared to learn from their peers. Such people love their work and can never get tired of what they do. This love sets them apart from unsuccessful people who take their work as drudgery.
Deep love for your work is called passion, which is the most important strength of human beings and sets apart great from the good ones. Therefore it is not the intelligent quotient (IQ), but your passion Quotient (PQ) that will take you to pinnacle of success. As field marshal Foch said "the most powerful weapon on earth is human soul on fire."
Start loving your job
In a booming economy, not only are there more number of job opportunities, but there are also more types of jobs available. About three decades ago, there were very limited job domains and one had very little professional choices available to choose from. However, today with the expansion of service sector and a push to the manufacturing sector it is possible for an individual to make a career in a field that he or she loves. For example media, internet, hospitality, travel leisure, knowledge management, retail, business process out sourcing, analytics, event management, E commerce were never even heard of as professional options a even a few years ago. Today, India is on a high and many young professionals are leaving the comfort zone of their jobs and venturing out into their own business on their way to becoming entrepreneurs choosing fields that they love.
Since so many opportunities are available, you can really pick up something that you like. If you love your job, let me assure you that you are on a permanent holiday. Indira Gandhi was asked "how do you work twenty hours a day without getting tired?" "Because I love my Job!" Was her answer. Similarly great designers, artists, painters, writers, actors and scientists excel in their work because they are madly in love with their work - they are passionate. If you love physics then don't push yourself to excel in poetry and if you love English literature, don't take engineering as your chosen profession. This way you are not only deceiving yourself but are also killing your own potential to do well in life. Either take up a job that you love, or better start loving the job that you take.
"Each Individual creature on this beautiful planet is created by God to fulfill a particular role" - Dr APJ Abdul Kalam
How does passion help you to do better in life?
  • * It is a source of tremendous energy
  • * Becomes your inner calling
  • Mother Teresa worked passionately for the poor because she 'felt' for the poor and the sick. Such people work selflessly and look for no financial rewards. Many young people leave their well-paid jobs to start a meaningful NGO. The bottom line is they want to do it.
  • * Makes you walk that extra mile
  • It lets you perform and deliver beyond your ordinary capacity. Since you love it, it comes naturally to you.
  • "Helps you identify your Goal Passion has been instilled in us by nature to remain 'on track'- like an inner compass. It gradually pushes you to be what you ought to be.
How to identify your passion?
If the following is true for an activity for you, then that activity is your passion.
  • It attracts you- A football player is always attracted to a football match. Artists are attracted to a paint brush and a taut canvas.
  • It is simple for you to learn- if you have potential to be a test cricket player, it will be very easy for you to follow the instructions of your coach. Great dancers like Madhuri Dixit and Hrithik Roshan can perform beyond the expectations of their choreographers.
  • It is effortless - Playing a violin for a passionate musician is effortless. Great speakers do it with grace and effortlessly.
  • It's a state of ecstasy - Amitabh Bachchan was asked by Karan Johar in a chat show about the secret of his intense performances. And he said 'When I am in front of the camera, something happens to me, and I just perform automatically.' This is a state of flow, total joy- ecstasy.
  • Jupiter not wanting mans' life to be wholly gloomy and grim has bestowed far more passion than reason. Moreover, he confined reason to a cramped corner of the head and left all the rest of the body to the Passions. -Desiderius Erasmus
Transforming hobbies and your passion into a rewarding profession
More than 50 percent of close to a million small businesses started in America in 1998 - 2000 were based on hobbies or personal interest of people. These guys actually made a living out of what they really loved. In addition to business, all those who make money through professions like sports, arts and creativity are also driven by passion alone. Don't chase money, money is a byproduct -it will come.

To translate your passion into a viable profession - where you can earn while having fun- you need to expand the scope of your passion. Let me explain this point.

First you should identify what you like or what is your drive. Let us say you feel acting is your driving force. Your first choice will be to become a film actor. But is it the only option? No, there are other options too. For instance, if you cannot get a break in films, you could look for a role on television.

Just imagine a drive or passion for acting can open up so many windows of opportunity. Adolf Hitler was a great orator; he used to rehearse for hours before delivering his political speeches, which became the reason for his political ascent.

"It is never been about money for me. Money is just a convenient way of keeping score" - Donald Trump

(Virender Kapoor is former director of a management institute under the Symbiosis umbrella and the founder of Management Institute for Leadership and Excellence. He is also the author of Leadership: The Gandhi Way, A Wonderful Boss: Great People to Work With and Passion Quotient-How it matters more than IQ and Innovation the Einstein Way.)



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Sunday, November 29, 2015

I call for your collaboration in a partnership,

Kind Regards.


The global climate march is happening everywhere RIGHT NOW! Join the virtual march, Avaaz'll deliver our numbers to leaders in Paris -- let's make sure they know how many of us want urgent action!

Security concerns mean the people of Paris can't join our global march on the eve of the biggest climate summit this decade. Instead, the shoes of each missing marcher will be lined up on the march route as a symbolic representation of their marching feet. Let's show the world they are not alone and we all stand as one. Click to join the virtual march and send an image holding up your shoes:

I'm in

Dear amazing Avaaz community,

The French government has just announced that with security still a major concern in Paris, we'll have to cancel our massive climate march there on November 29th.

This is heart-breaking for our Paris members, who have had enough heartbreak already, but hundreds of thousands will be marching all over the globe. And in Paris, people are donating their shoes to be lined up on the march route as a symbolic representation of their marching feet.

If we all join them by sending thousands of photos of us with our shoes, Avaaz will display our images in Paris to show Parisians they are not alone, and tell the world we all stand as one. Click below to join the virtual march now!

The biggest global climate summit of the decade is going ahead in Paris the day after the march. We have to make sure that the people speak, and leaders hear us, before they gather. Momentum is with us, but some countries like India and Saudi Arabia are making ominous moves to block global progress. We need a massive global outcry for a 100% clean energy world, to pressure the blockers, and bolster champions like Germany not to give in.

Paris was the biggest march planned, but the attacks there make it impossible. Once again, the actions of the few threaten the welfare of us all. But not if we rise to this moment. Humanity is wildly imperfect, but if we all join together we can shine our brightest in the darkest of times. On November 29th, everywhere, let's shine our light. Join the virtual march now:

The fight to stop catastrophic climate change is not just about stopping a few more storms or a bit of sea rise. Scientists are screaming from rooftops that we are playing with uncontrollable tipping points and feedback loops in our fragile biosphere that could cause rapid, out of control climate change -- the kind that could mean the end of the human journey. How strangely fitting that our greatest moment of rallying to save ourselves, the divisive and violent forces of our past would rise to try to take this moment from us. Let's show who we are, and rise to this moment, with all the love and hope we know we're capable. For the sake of everything we love.

With hope and gratitude,

Emma, Alice, Danny, Rewan, David and the whole Avaaz team.


No plan B if Paris climate summit ends in failure, says EU climate chief (The Guardian)  

With Climate March Canceled, Advocates Ask For Shoes Instead (New York Times)

Apple, Microsoft, Google and other US firms to commit $140bn to address climate change (International Business Times)  

People's Climate March: the Revolution Starts Here (Ricken's OpEd in The Guardian) is a 41-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to us at or call us at +1-888-922-8229 (US).

Saturday, November 28, 2015

संगीता कालिया- अनिल विज मामले में दोष संगीता का.

यह आईएएस और आईपीएस का पद ही ऐसा है कि इसके गुरूर में इन पदों पर आसीन
व्यक्ति यह भूल जाते हैं कि वे भी जनता के नौकर ही हैं. ये लोकसेवक यह
भूल जाते हैं कि मंत्री एक जनप्रतिनिधि होता है और उसे लोकहित के मुद्दों
पर जनता की तरफ से नौकर आईएएस/आईपीएस से प्रश्न करने के असीमित अधिकार
हैं और उनका तर्कसंगत जबाब देना लोकसेवक का प्रथम दायित्व.यदि लोकसेवक
जनप्रतिनिधि के प्रश्नों का तर्कसंगत जबाब नहीं देना चाहता तो उसे नौकरी
छोड़कर घर बैठ जाना चाहिए. संगीता काफी संघर्षों के बाद आईपीएस बनी हैं पर
उनको लोकसेवक के दायित्व नहीं भूलने चाहिए थे. आखिर इन पदों पर बैठे
व्यक्तियों को इतनी अधिक सुविधाएं जनसेवा के लिए मिलती हैं न कि अपने पद
की हनक जनता को दिखाने को.

हरियाणा के स्वास्थ्य मंत्री अनिल विज एक इमानदार जनप्रतिनिधि माने जाते
हैं और उनका फतेहाबाद एसपी संगीता कालिया से किया गया सबाल गांवों में
अवैध शराब बिक्री संबंधी जैसे संवेदनशील और बृहद लोकहित के मुद्दे पर था.
आखिर अवैध शराब बिक्री में स्थानीय पुलिस के सीधे-सीधे हाथ होने की बात
को कौन नकार सकता है.

संगीता का यह कहना कि अपराधी जमानत पर छूटकर आते हैं और फिर शराब बेचने
लगते हैं. क्या करें? वाकई निहायत ही बचकाना है. अगर अपराधी जमानत पर
छूटता है तो उसका कारण भी पुलिस द्वारा कमजोर केस बनाया जाना ही है जिसकी
जिम्मेवारी संगीता पर ही ठहरती है .

दूसरे संगीता का मीटिंग के दौरान ये कहना कि 'शराब का लाईसेंस तो सरकार
ही देती है' फिर गलत है. अगर सरकार की लाईसेंस प्रक्रिया में दोष था तो
संगीता को एक एसपी की हैसियत से समय समय पर पत्र लिखकर इस मामले में अपनी
आपत्तियां दर्ज करानी थीं. उनका ये बयान दर्शा रहा था कि वे सस्ती
लोकप्रियता के लिए सीधे सीधे सरकार से टकराव के मूड में थीं और एक
संवेदनशील लोकसेवक के रूप में वे वे शराब बिकने से कतई भी परेशान नहीं

हाँ, सरकार ने भे इस मामले में संगीता से जबाब-तलब करने की जगह तुरंत ही
संगीता का स्थानांतरण करके गलत ही किया है.

( उर्वशी शर्मा )
सामाजिक कार्यकत्री और आरटीआई एक्टिविस्ट
सचिव – येश्वर्याज सेवा संस्थान

Urvashi Sharma
101,Narayan Tower, Opposite F block Idgah
Rajajipuram,Lucknow-226017,Uttar Pradesh,India
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838

{Awareness} Faith, Climate Change and the Future


Faith, Climate Change and the Future

David Langness  •  November 27, 2015   

The loss of certainty that there will be a future is, I believe, the pivotal psychological reality of our time. – Joanna Macy, World as Lover, World as Self

Does humanity have a future? Many pessimistic voices think not.

Baha'is, on the other hand, believe that humanity's long-term future looks bright, even though the immediate one may not seem that way:

The winds of despair are, alas, blowing from every direction, and the strife that divideth and afflicteth the human race is daily increasing. The signs of impending convulsions and chaos can now be discerned, inasmuch as the prevailing order appeareth to be lamentably defective. I beseech God, exalted be His glory, that He may graciously awaken the peoples of the earth, may grant that the end of their conduct may be profitable unto them, and aid them to accomplish that which beseemeth their station. – Baha'u'llahTablets of Baha'u'llah, pp. 171-172.

community-treeThis conundrum—the lack of faith in the future because things look so dire now—affects all of us. Our world's severe environmental issues, on top of war and hunger and endemic poverty and a host of other significant global problems, have caused lots of intelligent people to conclude that we have a bleak future, or none at all. This kind of outlook produces enormous cynicism, extinguishing hope and creating a sense of dark despair. Some observers even call it "the Great Grief."

The reality of climate change and other serious global issues doesn't have to make us feel helpless, though. In fact, psychologists and sociologists tell us, the most effective antidote to that feeling of helpless despair about the future involves taking steps to actively do something. One of the best ways of acting to combat cynicism and climate anxiety comes from building a sense of community.

When we have a safety net—a loving, supportive and unified group of people working toward a common goal—we don't feel so alienated and alone. A community willing to help in a crisis effectively reduces our inner pain and contributes to a feeling of resilience and positive progress. Also, community action can exponentially increase the effectiveness of individual action, with a "multiplier effect" that brings about social change.

In her courses on this subject, which she calls "The Great Turning," the psychologist and Buddhist climate activist Joanna Macy recommends three concrete and very Baha'i-like steps toward building community and overcoming our fears of the future:

1. Actions to slow the damage to Earth and its beings. These kinds of actions include all of the environmental advocacy and activism people undertake to change the current Industrial Growth Society. This kind of action might be, Macy says, the most visible, common dimension of environmentalism, "but it is insufficient to bring that [future] society about."

2. Analysis of structural causes and the creation of structural alternatives. Macy writes: "To free ourselves and our planet from the damage being inflicted by the Industrial Growth Society, we must understand its dynamics. What are the tacit agreements that create obscene wealth for a few, while progressively impoverishing the rest of humanity? What interlocking causes indenture us to an insatiable economy that uses our Earth as supply house and sewer? It is not a pretty picture, and it takes courage and confidence in our own common sense to look at it with realism; but we are demystifying the workings of the global economy."

Creating structural alternatives means growing new, unifying social and economic arrangements. Those constructive, positive alternatives to the old way of doing things include reduction of reliance on fossil and nuclear fuels and conversion to renewable energy sources; collaborative living arrangements such as co-housing and eco-villages; community gardens, consumer cooperatives, community-supported agriculture, watershed restoration, etc., etc.

3. Bringing about a shift in human consciousness. This new way of relating to each other and to the Earth requires deeply ingrained spiritual values, and a profound shift in our perception of reality—both as a cognitive revolution and a spiritual awakening. This—the Great Turning, as Macy calls it—is already happening.

Baha'is believe that the spiritual insights necessary for this shift in human consciousness were initially released into the world by the Baha'i revelation. The influence of that revelation, however, isn't limited to the Baha'is or the Baha'i community, but embraces and encompasses all of humanity.

With those insights, our collective human awareness of our vital connection to the Earth steadily increases. We can grow beyond the old dominion-over-nature paradigm to a much more ecologically sustainable vision of the planet and our place on it. We can replace the hollow materialism of our cultures with a more living, loving spiritual model. We can open our hearts and move beyond the separate and alienated self toward building community and oneness:

Among the principles guiding the Baha'i approach to conservation and sustainable development, the following are of particular importance

  • nature reflects the qualities and attributes of God and should, therefore, be greatly respected and cherished;
  • all things are interconnected and flourish according to the law of reciprocity; and
  • the oneness of humanity is the fundamental spiritual and social truth shaping our age. – Conservation and Sustainable Development in the Baha'i Faith, The Baha'i International Community, 1995.

With these profound realizations translated into collective action, we can find real and authentic ways to believe in the future once again. 

The opinions and views expressed in this article are those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or any institution of the Baha'i Faith. 


Shared by Hidayatullah Neakakhtar

Resource Centre for Development Alternatives
Faraz House, D-237, Ghazikot-Township
Mansehra 21300, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
P a k i s t a n

Tel: 0997 - 303601

>Nurture a Culture of Values-Based Organic Growth Releasing the Power of Action in Individuals<




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