Dear urvashi,
Right now, Bharti Airtel is listening to a broadcast of all the messages asking Chairman Sunil Mittal to ‘switch off dirty diesel’. Bharti Airtel has been ignoring the demands asking it to use clean energy. So we decided to take voicemail messages from hundreds of concerned individuals like you and play it at their office.
LIVE VIDEO: Watch the activists broadcasting your messages to Sunil Mittal at the Airtel office |
Thousands of people have been asking Bharti Airtel to switch to clean energy and set an example for the telecom sector. The sector burns subsidised diesel to power the mobile network towers.[1] As the market leader, Bharti Airtel runs lakhs of towers and enjoys a major portion of the subsidised diesel.
When it had a chance to commit to clean energy Airtel hid behind the industry associations and backtracked on its promises.[2] Chairman Sunil Mittal needs to listen to the demands being made by so many mobile phone users which include his customers.
Watch the live video as we broadcast your message to Mr Mittal and then get your friends and family to send sign the petition asking Airtel to switch off dirty diesel.
Public pressure does have an impact on the company. This was evident when the company management agreed to meet Greenpeace representatives after activists painted ‘Switch off Diesel’ at their head office in Gurgaon and over 62,000 people asked them to make the change. More emails will help add pressure. The subsidy on the diesel being used by the telecom sector is not meant for them. As a result, the government is losing Rs 2600 crore. [3]
Oil, like coal and nuclear is dirty energy and its resourcing hurts the environment as we saw with the Mumbai oil spill and the spill in the Gulf of Mexico last year. Renewable energy is cheap and sustainable and it has the potential to meet our needs.[4] Tell Sunil Mittal to switch to renewable energy now!
Thanks a billion!
Abhishek Pratap,
Climate and Energy Campaigner,
Greenpeace India.
P.S. Want to support our campaigns? We don't take money from any corporation, government or political party! We never have, and we never will. Do help Greenpeace remain fiercely and proudly independent. Click here to chip in.
1. Telecom industry's "diesel exploitation" exposed, Business Standard, May 25, 2011
2. Talks between Greenpeace, Bharti Airtel remain inconclusive, Yahoo! News, June 10, 2011
3. Diesel for telecom towers causing Rs 2600 cr loss, NDTV, May 20, 2011
4. Renewable energy can power the world, says landmark IPCC study, Guardian, May 9, 2011
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