From: Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 11:25:22 +0530
Subject: Fwd: No information was made available by D.D.O. Mirzapur as
sought by your complainant through letter dated 28.7.2011 addressed to
C.D.O. Mirzapur under R.T.I. Act 2005.
Hon'ble Sir. With due respect this reminder is being sent by your
applicant to you Hon'ble Sir because your applicant still awaits
sought information withheld by D.D.O. Mirzapur in connivance with the
C.D.O. Mirzapur. This is my humble request to you Hon'ble Sir to be
instrumental in providing information. For this your applicant shall
ever pray you Hon'ble Sir. Yours sincerely Yogi M. P. Singh.
Hon'ble sir take the perusal of hindi daily Swatantra Bharat dated
30 setember 2011(10) , Lucknow, Friday. News titled as.
Manipulation in the record concerned with the developmental works of
village. Mirzapur 29 september. Yogi M. P. Singh resident of
village-NIBI GAHARWAR sought information against forgery of records
concerned with the development of village-NIBI GAHARWAR under R.T.I.
Act 2005. Matter is concerned with plantation. According to Yogi M. P.
Singh, in work completion certificate made available by B.D.O.
Chhanbey, entries made after the date of completion of work, entries
dated 15.10.2006, 4.11.2007, 4.11.2007 made after the initial of J.E.
(R.E.S.) dated 18 september 2006 which is tantamount to forgery of
records of the government document. Matter is concerned with the
village-Nibi Gaharwar, block-Chhanbey. On 28 july 2011 Yogi M. P.
Singh of concerned village made an R.T.I. Communique to know the name
of officer, name of designation who the aforesaid entries but
unfortunately no response has been made still. Even certified copy of
aforsaid work completion certificate is still awaited. C.D.O. has been
also informed with the matter by the Yogi M. P. Singh.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2011 18:27:40 +0530
Subject: Fwd: No information was made available by D.D.O. Mirzapur as
sought by your complainant through letter dated 28.7.2011 addressed to
C.D.O. Mirzapur under R.T.I. Act 2005.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2011 18:05:11 +0530
Subject: Fwd: No information was made available by D.D.O. Mirzapur as
sought by your complainant through letter dated 28.7.2011 addressed to
C.D.O. Mirzapur under R.T.I. Act 2005.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2011 18:03:04 +0530
Subject: Fwd: No information was made available by D.D.O. Mirzapur as
sought by your complainant through letter dated 28.7.2011 addressed to
C.D.O. Mirzapur under R.T.I. Act 2005.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 21:42:04 +0530
Subject: No information was made available by D.D.O. Mirzapur as
sought by your complainant through letter dated 28.7.2011 addressed to
C.D.O. Mirzapur under R.T.I. Act 2005.
An application under subsection 3 of section 19 of R.T.I. Act 2005.
Hon'ble Sir. With due respect
your applicant wants to draw kind attention of Hon'ble Sir towards
following submissions as follows. 1-It is
submitted before the Hon'ble
Sir that B.D.O. Chhanbey sent communication dated 4.7.2011 addressed
to C.D.O. Mirzapur letter no.271/sthan./RTI/2011-12 containing photo
copy two work completion certificate as enclosures. Copies of
aforesaid letter and concerned annexures were served to your applicant
in order to comply the direction of PMO regarding your applicant's
letter dated 20.2.2011 addressed to Hon'ble Prime Minister of India.
2-It is submitted before the Hon'ble Sir that
in one of the work completion certificates, date of ending of work is
16.9.2006. In this certificate, 5 entries have been made. First entry
on 13.9.2006. Second entry on 16.9.2006. Third entry on 15.10.2006
(just after on month of completion of work). Fourt entry on
4.11.2007(after one year). Fifth entry on 4.11.2007(after one year).
3-It is submitted before the Hon'ble Sir that
JE (RES) Chhanbey, Mirzapur made signature on 18.9.2006 on aforesaid
impugned paper to certify it and his initial and date is on both the
sides of paper. 4-It is submitted before the
Hon'ble Sir that whether in india a work paper is certified earlier
and entries are made latter as done by B.D.O. Chhanbey, Mirzapur.
5-It is submitted before the Hon'ble Sir that aggrieved
by the aforesaid letter, your applicant submitted an RTI Communique
dated 28.7.2011 before C.D.O. Mirzapur under subsection 1 of section 6
a of R.T.I. Act 2005 to direct PIO of the department to made available
information seeking pointwise within time stipulated under subsection
1 of section 7 of R.T.I. Act 2005. Sought information is as follows.
Certified copy of aforesaid photo caopies. Name, designation of
employee who made entries dated 15.10.2006, 4.11.2007, 4.11.2007. Copy
of payment sheet. Naame who did payment. 6-It is
submitted before the Hon'ble Sir that aforesaid sought information is
still awaited by your applicant. Why concerned staff violated the
provision of R.T.I. Act 2005? 7-It is submitted before the
Hon'ble Sir that D.D.O. Mirzapur/PIO sent communication dated
11.8.2011 letter no.1297 to your applicant also the same to B.D.O.
Chhanbey, Mirzapur and directed B.D.O. Chhanbey to made available
information as sought through the letter dated 28.7.2011 and also
warned that in case of delay matter is broughtup before U.P.S.I.C.
Then Hon'ble commission may impose penalty at the rate of 250 per day.
As usual B.D.O. Chhanbey again overlooked the direction of his senior
This is humble request of your applicant to direct D.D.O. Mirzapur to
made available the information as sought through the letter dated
28.7.2011 addressed to C.D.O. Mirzapur under subsection 1 of section 6
of R.T.I. Act 2005. For this your applicant shall ever pray you
Hon'ble Sir. Yours sincerely. Yogi M. P. Singh
Moh-Surekapuram, Jabalpur Road , Dist-Mirzapur(U.P.)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 13:07:08 +0530
Subject: Fwd: Manipulation in the record concerned with PLANTATION
under MGNREGA in Vill-Nibi Gaharwar block-Chhanbey dist-Mirzapur(U.P.)
BY B.D.O. concerned.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 13:05:12 +0530
Subject: Fwd: Manipulation in the record concerned with PLANTATION
under MGNREGA in Vill-Nibi Gaharwar block-Chhanbey dist-Mirzapur(U.P.)
BY B.D.O. concerned.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2011 15:54:52 +0530
Subject: Fwd: Manipulation in the record concerned with PLANTATION
under MGNREGA in Vill-Nibi Gaharwar block-Chhanbey dist-Mirzapur(U.P.)
BY B.D.O. concerned.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2011 15:53:42 +0530
Subject: Fwd: Manipulation in the record concerned with PLANTATION
under MGNREGA in Vill-Nibi Gaharwar block-Chhanbey dist-Mirzapur(U.P.)
BY B.D.O. concerned.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mahesh Pratap Singh Yogi M P Singh <>
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2011 15:50:01 +0530
Subject: Manipulation in the record concerned with PLANTATION under
MGNREGA in Vill-Nibi Gaharwar block-Chhanbey dist-Mirzapur(U.P.) BY
B.D.O. concerned.
Hon'ble Sir. With due respect your applicant wants draw
kind attention of Hon'ble Sir towards following submissions as
follows. 1-It is submitted before the Hon'ble
Sir that B.D.O. Chhanbey sent communication dated 4.7.2011 addressed
to C.D.O. Mirzapur letter no.271/sthan./RTI/2011-12 containing photo
copy two work completion certificate as enclosures. Copies of
aforesaid letter and concerned annexures were served to your applicant
in order to comply the direction of PMO regarding your applicant's
letter dated 20.2.2011 addressed to Hon'ble Prime Minister of India.
2-It is submitted before the Hon'ble Sir that
in one of the work completion certificates, date of ending of work is
16.9.2006. In this certificate, 5 entries have been made. First entry
on 13.9.2006. Second entry on 16.9.2006. Third entry on 15.10.2006
(just after on month of completion of work). Fourt entry on
4.11.2007(after one year). Fifth entry on 4.11.2007(after one year).
3-It is submitted before the Hon'ble Sir that
JE (RES) Chhanbey, Mirzapur made signature on 18.9.2006 on aforesaid
impugned paper to certify it and his initial and date is on both the
sides of paper. 4-It is submitted before the
Hon'ble Sir that whether in india a work paper is certified earlier
and entries are made latter as done by B.D.O. Chhanbey, Mirzapur.
5-It is submitted before the Hon'ble Sir that aggrieved
by the aforesaid letter, your applicant submitted an RTI Communique
dated 28.7.2011 before C.D.O. Mirzapur under subsection 1 of section 6
of R.T.I. Act 2005 to direct PIO of the department to made available
information seeking pointwise within time stipulated under subsection
1 of section 7 of R.T.I. Act 2005. Sought information is as follows.
Certified copy of aforesaid photo copies. Name, designation of
employee who made entries dated 15.10.2006, 4.11.2007, 4.11.2007. Copy
of payment sheet. Name who did payment. 6-It is
submitted before the Hon'ble Sir that aforesaid sought information is
still awaited by your applicant. Why concerned staff violated the
provision of R.T.I. Act 2005? 7-It is submitted before the
Hon'ble Sir that D.D.O. Mirzapur/PIO sent communication dated
11.8.2011 letter no.1297 to your applicant also the same to B.D.O.
Chhanbey, Mirzapur and directed B.D.O. Chhanbey to made available
information as sought through the letter dated 28.7.2011 and also
warned that in case of delay matter is broughtup before U.P.S.I.C.
Then Hon'ble commission may impose penalty at the rate of 250 per day.
As usual B.D.O. Chhanbey again overlooked the direction of his senior
authority. This is humble request of your
applicant to you Hon'ble Sir that Hon'ble Sir may be pleased to pass
appropriate order in accordance with the law. For this your applicant
shall ever pray you Hon'ble Sir. Yours Sincerely. Yogi M.
P. Singh Moh- Surekapuram, Jabalpur Road, Dist-Mirzapur (U.P.)
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