Tuesday, March 17, 2015

{Awareness} Diabetes and its Possible Prevention


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Diabetes and its Possible Prevention

Published By: Dr.Anil Philip. 
Published In: Healthy Living (Wellness & Prevention)

Published Date: 18.Feb.2015

Dr.Anil Philip

Homeopathic Physician

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 "Diabetes is spreading fast to almost epidemic proportions and there is a growing feeling of helplessness in preventing it. But by having a fair knowledge of the disease and adopting certain lifestyle changes we may prevent or at least delay this disease."

In a mercurial and a fast moving life in contemporary world, novel and permuted diseases strike human beings at an equally fast pace.The only indicative remedy advised by physicians is to change or slow down one's lifestyle. The old saying becomes relevent "prevention is better than cure". In this bulletin, diabetes mellitus (type 2) has been elaborated, as the disease is fast affecting our younger generation.

The following precautions may prevent or delay the onset of diabetes:

·         Maintain ideal body weight, BMI (Body Mass Index), as obesity can trigger the disease.

·         Avoid sedentary habits, like two hours or more of TV watching, internet, gaming, sitting during job, habitual laziness which increases the risk by 20%.

·         Increase physical activity like brisk walking,using stairs, light stretching exercises, skipping, jogging, cycling, swimming as suitable to the individual.

·         Restrict diet rich in carbohydrates which increases risk by 30%.

·         Consume whole grain cereals which contain bran and fibre which leads to slower increase in blood sugar, hence lower insulin and glycemic index. This leads to less stress on the insulin producing mechanism thus preventing type 2 diabetes.

·         Prefer coarsely ground whole wheat flour (chakki atta) and parboiled rice(the browner the better).

·         Avoid or limit finely ground wheat flour, maida, raw white rice, fried potatoes, tapioca etc.

·         Limit the intake of junk food, noodles, pasta, biscuits, pastries, cakes, sweatmeats, candies, softdrinks, fruit juices. All these contain excess sugar which contributes to high level of triglycerides, increased cholesterol thus increasing insulin resistance contributing to the risk of diabetes.

·         Choice of good polyunsaturated fats from vegetable oils, nuts and seeds can help ward off type 2 diabetes. Seasonal fruits should be consumed whole. Avoid red meat, while swapping to healthier proteins like legumes, soya, low fat dairy, poultry and fish can reduce risk upto 35%.

Prediabetes is a condition which signals the possibility of the disease. 

·         Increased thirst.

·         Frequent urination.

·         Fatigue.

·         Blurred vision

Look out for the above symptoms and consult a diabetologist online -->https://www.icliniq.com/ask-a-doctor-online/diabetologist

Try this simple quiz to test your knowledge about diabetes -->https://www.icliniq.com/health-articles/health-topics/diabetes-health/quiz-diabetes-how-aware-are-you



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1 comment:

  1. Start eating foods like beans, Oats, tuna, yoghurt, dates, spinach, wild salmon, egg whites, avocados, flax seeds etc. These foods are high in fiber, omega 3, calcium & vitamin D. People who are diabetes patients they must start this diet plan. Foods that control diabetes
