Saturday, March 21, 2015

Fwd: BAAT CHEET: March 25, 2015

Interactive Wednesdays at Anhad

Every Wednesday at Anhad office we have two hours of vibrant discussion and hot tea ( we can continue to serve tea if you also contribute towards it)

March 25, 2015 

The story of Dhaani- an exhibition of Dhaani products, Screening of the documentary ' Story of Dhaani' 

followed by discussion among those present. 

Anhad started working in Purnia District in 2008 after the Kosi floods. After the initial relief work and livelihood support to over 150 families we set vocational training centres in 10 villages in Purnia and Araria. 


Araria and Purnia are flood prone districts and some of the areas in these districts remain under water for a few months every year. In the process they lose seasoned crop, months of earning, large amount goes on restructuring of houses.


There is close to 80% migration in some of these areas. Villages are full of young women work force but in absence of opportunities, lack of exposure, rampant illiteracy, with no specific skill, unavailability of capital keeps them confined to their homes. The official figures for female literacy in Purina are 22.17% while in Araria it is 23.72%.


We gave training to 550 women in making jute products over a period of three years. Then Dhaani - a producer company was formed to market the products and provide livelihood to the women.  


We will share this 7 years journey of our activists and local women, successes, challenges and way forward. 


We are also exhibiting products in our office which is not a gallery space but we are trying to do it in a way that all products can be seen conveniently.



Do Come
TEL- 011-41670722

Mohd Aamir Khan

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