Friday, May 22, 2015

6 Ways to Earn & Maintain Your Staff's Respect + 8 More Posts -- May, 2015

BlogNotions Leadership Newsletter - Bringing you the LATEST information from industry experts
May 22, 2015 Online Version | Email Preferences
Leadership Newsletter
Bringing you the LATEST information from industry experts

6 Ways to Earn & Maintain Your Staff’s Respect
by Dan McCarthy

Guest post by Rosalinda Randall: “You can’t lead anyone else any further than you have gone yourself.” –Unknown Can’t get your staff to do what you tell them to do? Do you live by the old adage, “Do as I say, not as I do?” Leading a team or staff of one is not an […]

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What To Do When You Don't Reach Your Launch Goals
by Natalie MacNeil

Launching a product or service can be exhausting, exhilarating, and a total roller coaster. When you see sales roll in for all the hard work you’ve put into creating something that you know people need, it feels like it was all worth it. But when you DON’T reach your sales projections, when your service or […]

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A Structured Framework for Improving Functional Performance A Structured Framework for Improving Functional Performance

Need a faster way to business transformation? Leading companies regularly assess functional performance against a structured framework.

Download the full offer for free here

The Power of a Road Trip
by Karin Hurt

I spent many years in a “trust but verify” culture. What this meant was that I, and every executive above me, was expected to constantly show up in the retail stores to experience what was happening as the customers would. Is there a bird’s nest over the front entrance risking bird poop falling on a […]

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Remarkable TV: What to Do When Deadlines Are Missed
by Kevin Eikenberry

Important deadlines often cause leaders to make these coaching mistakes. Check out today’s Remarkable TV to learn how you can avoid them! The deadline comes and goes…. Multiple times. Often the leaders respond by checking up regularly, daily, hourly. And become a pest/micro manager. How can we assure deadlines are reached and not be a […]

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When Is Living in the Past a Good Thing?
by Alli Polin

Yesterday morning when I made my coffee, I swirled in some hazelnut flavor and sprinkled cinnamon sugar on top. I held it in my hands, enjoying the warmth, as I opened my computer and breathed deeply. With my first sip, I was momentarily back at brunch at Zanzibar Blue in Philadelphia. It was as if […]

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Engagement is Natural, Interest is Another Matter Altogether
by Mike Cook

When a wife yells at her husband, who has his eyes glued to his desktop screen, “You are not listening to me!” she is dead on, he’s not. But does that mean he’s not engaged? Actually, he is very engaged…with what is in front of him on the screen. People are always engaged; it just […]

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What are you speaking, hearing and believing?
by Chery Gegelman

I was recently helping my 9-year-old neighbor with her homework. She’d had a long day at school, and we’d been studying for an hour and her brain was tired! As I pulled out the last book we needed to study she said, “I can’t do this!” Immediately I interrupted, “Oh honey, don’t say that! Because… She […]

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The Future Leader
by Edith Onderick-Harvey

I saw my in-laws recently and once again, I had a conversation with my father-in-law about how baffling new technology is to him and how he wants nothing to do with it. Why? Complexity. There are too many options, too many things coming at you at one time and it changes too rapidly. More and […]

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A Tuna Sandwich Named Kevin
by Andy Uskavitch

I just recently saw one of those cute little sayings on Facebook that said, “Strange new trend at the office. People putting names on food in the company fridge. Today I had a tuna sandwich named Kevin”. As funny as that sounds, it’s actually pretty accurate. And that’s not so funny. Whether it’s a sandwich, […]

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New Leadership Resources

Leadership Models - Developing Your Leadership Skills Leadership Models - Developing Your Leadership Skills
How to Break Into Biz Dev and Land the Job You Want How to Break Into Biz Dev and Land the Job You Want
Why Leadership Sucks: The Fundamentals of Level 5 Leadership and Servant Leadership (An Excerpt) Why Leadership Sucks: The Fundamentals of Level 5 Leadership and Servant Leadership (An Excerpt)

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