Saturday, May 30, 2015

Why are you secular

Why are you secular

"Who is secular Mum?" I asked mother in innocence since I never heard of a secular Catholic or a secular Muslim.

"Son, the word refers to a Hindu who is ashamed of being a Hindu due to some good reasons. Our past history, going back to one thousand years is to suffer the Hindu-killer ENEMIES playing "Hell" with us on our own soil. It is a Hindu's fate to continuously hear how previously during the interminably long centuries of slavery, our people were abused and insulted, treated worse than dogs, being forcibly converted, abducted and raped and being thrown out of their homes just because they were Hindus.

All this has given tremendous inferiority complex to our people who associate inferiority, weakness and slavery with the word "Hindu". Moreover if it was one  instance of murder or rape we could manage but when the terrible news comes in from all sides and directions, from West Bengal, South Kashmir to Sindh, it is too much to go on boasting that "I am a Hindu."

No one else calls himself secular. It was a MUSLIM invader who destroyed our temples including the ones in Somnath, Ayodhya and Mathura. Even the  State calls itself secular so they don't even have to look that way where the HINDUS in, or from, Hindusthan are degraded or dying. 

The Emperors who tortured millions of Hindus to force them to embrace the crude and savage ideology of Mecca were Muslims. The Emperor who ordered the beheading of Guru Tegh Bahadur was a Muslim. Those who call Mohammed of Arabia the LAST Prophet on earth but not Guru Nanak are also brainwashed Muslims and so were those who captured one third of India in 1947 and massacred millions of Hindus in order to satisfy their heart's desire. They were all Muslims. Now the incursions in South Kashmir and assassins like Ajmal Kasab and his companions from

were all Muslims.


The remnants of the Moghul Slave Dynasty which existed at Delhi for about a millennium, is still conspicuous. Almost 90% of roads, streets, bazaars in Delhi are named after Moghul invaders. There is sprawling Moghul garden adjacent to the present Rashtrapati Bhavan, which was the epitome of slavery in Bhaarat. In short, Delhi had been a center of successive slave dynasty of Bhaarat.        


The Hindus have been hoping for at least one counter attack but each day that passes shrinks our psyche and soul and damages our morale and spirit.

The child that is bullied, beaten and abused all the time but never loved even once must feel like committing suicide. That's why the foreigners find Hindusthan a rich and fertile ground for conversions.  There is no threat to them and, therefore, no incentive or reason to pack up and go home or even mind their business and leave us alone.

Our leaders have no breath left to say, "Partition was the most visible proof and expression of the INSIDIOUS enmity of the Indian Muslims against the Hindus and the animosity of the British rulers (Christians) towards a United India." 

No leader has given any (distant) goal to the "deflated flattened" Hindu nation to "REJECT that bogus Partition if even one Muslim is seen in Bharat." Even a false hope will keep the defeated people alive. But now what is there for the Hindus to look forward to except more Muslims, more attacks, more abductions, more rape and more bad news? 

Is there any wonder as to why an average Hindu will say, "I am secular, and have nothing to do with the perishing Hindus all round."  He might add, "If I was a girl and saw my parents do nothing but just watched me being abducted and raped by a couple of MOHAMMEDAN rascals, would I love my parents and my community (of cowards)?" Is there any wonder that not even in TEN YEARS do we hear of a brave Hindu girl stab the rascal in bed during the first night? But it WAS the case during the Muslim (Mogul) rule when in Punjab the Sikh girls carried the sword day and night, and survived.

We (but not our government or leaders!) hear the same cry of MILLIONS of Hindus who were born in Dhaka, Karachi, Multan, Lahore, Rawalpindi: "My Janmasthan is as sacred to me as my mother. My Hindu nation RAN AWAY when the Mohammedan rascals occupied it with the tacit agreement of our TOP HINDU LEADERS. None stepped forward to behead or blow up traitor Mohammed Ali Jinnah who cast an evil eye on my place of birth, and never even demanded an explanation for his demand for Partition, or retaliated in the mildest manner but all subsided like the froth.

Can we blame the Hindus in such Hindusthan who have turned to Buddhism, Secularism and even MOHAMMED of Mecca?

One will surely ask, "What to do now?" The other will say, "What can one person do when one billion have dived into the cesspool of neutrality, detachment, non-alignment and secularism?

The answer is simple and one does not need to break any law. We ask our LEADERS, MP's, MLA's and journalists, "Declare that Bharat is a HINDU nation just as Iran is ISLAMIC!" Does Afghanistan feel shame or embarrassment in saying, "We are an ISLAMIC country!"? Does Indonesia or Malaysia? Why is only Hindusthan the "goat" that has painted itself BLACK all over by denying own religious IDENTITY?"

The second important thing is to actively speak to the rest of the world to treat our "Hindu Rashtra" at par with an ISLAMIC REPUBLIC." There are few more mental tonics like,

"Our goal is AKHAND BHARAT and those who broke it are our ENEMIES."

"We need to see how both Gandhi and Nehru served the cause of Akhand Bharat, or defended it, during Partition talks before we put up even one statue or name one school or institution after their names."

"Hindus will be justified to do to the Jama Masjid in Delhi what Babur did to our Grand Temple in Ayodhya." By not matching the enemy at home we are declaring our weakness and encouraging the enemy to commit more aggression.

"No Muslim ought to be seen in the India that was broken up by them into three fragments."

Just by doing so our youth will see some breath in the collective Hindu body. Just hearing our leaders speak like MEN will bring pride back to the Hindus and we shall rapidly notice many of them saying, "I am a proud HINDU and will make the fanatic Muslims like ZAKIR NAIK shut their Koran and say, "We are SECULAR."

Obviously, our challenge is to lift the MUCK from our heads and dump it on Mohammed who labelled us KAFIR. In this age of EQUALITY there is neither a Momin nor a Kafir but all equal humans worthy of same respect. It is the KORAN that needs to be dumped, not the Kafirs. Such MANLY thought and talk in our Hindusthan will be the guarantee of safety of Hindu life, temples and girls in the future.


2 April 13.



                                                          A curse to the [Indian] nation


Webster's New Dictionary of synonyms defines secular as Profane. Profane means not sacred. In the Chamber's Dictionary secular means not spritual, concerned with religion. Secularism - the belief that state, moral, education, etc, should be independent of religion. The nearest Sanskrit equivalent of secularism is Nastikvad [atheism].

This  single word and its use, misuse and abuse by Indian politicians from Gandhi to Nehru and to this day has done enormous and incalculable  long lasting and  irreversible  harm to India and its majority Hindu population. This word should be rejected because politicians have been fooling the masses by false promises phony, twisted, umbiguous  policies under the umbrella of secularism. This is a fact that self styled secularists in India use the concept of secularism against Hindus and anything related to Hindus and Hinduism, Hindu traditions, Hindu heritage, Hindu  customs, Hindu culture, Hindu civilization, Hindu great men and women, Hindu religious leaders and priests and Hindu symbols. This  is a very  sad and strange  destructive situation for Hindus. This is  utter madness.

 Secularism in India by  politicians in  general and Congress  politicians  in particular what is against Hindus.

The educated and experts in law who wrote the Indian constitution must be held responsible and be denounced for this grave mistake of using this word in the constitution and framed the laws on Nehruvian secularism. In fact Mrs. Indira Priyadarshini Nehru-Gandhi[ Maimunnissa Khan ]introduced secularism in the   Indian constitution during 1970s.

The sacred duty of present younger generation is to denounce these idiots of first order who introduced this vulgar concept of "Secularism" in the Indian constitution and politics under the Congress misrule since independence.

They did not care to see its meaning in the dictionary and imposed on majority Hindus who are  Dharmic (Religious) because their life begins with Raam and ends with Raam  so Hindus are not secular they are Dharmic people.

It was a black day for the Hindus and India, when this word was introduced in Indian constitution and it will be a golden day when this will be thrown out of constitution by true patriots.

This single word has lead to the deplorable condition of India in administration, law and order, education, judiciary and now in military because General Rodrigues had  messed up in the country's old traditions of air force, Army, Navy by introducing "Secularism" in Indian defences.

The present conditions of India could be described with Cuba before Castro[ 1959] because corruption is visible from president to panchayat, and prime minister to chaparasi, chief justice of India to the judges at district level all over the country. The country's borders are not safe, more than forty  millions of illegal Bangladeshis (Muslims) have entered openly with help of Communist  government of West Bengal as Muslim vote bank for them and these Muslims are seen from Kolkota to Mumbai  to Jaipur to Kanpur to Guahati  to Delhi to Hydrabad. The drug trafficking, crimes of all types, kidnapping of girls, smuggling of arms, production of fake Indian currencies  and smuggling of  arms and ammunitions across the borders is going on uninterruptedly with collaboration of politicians, police and people in film industry. The  people involved in these activities are  Muslims  which  is clear when they are caught red handed .There is foreign hand in these activities.

No body is safe anywhere whether in homes, jails, school, buses, trains, and in police custody, towns, cities, or even in parliament or president's palace. Parliament in New Delhi , State assembly in Srinagar and recently IIT  in Banglore  were attacked by Muslim Terrorists. The Muslim terrorists are active in different parts of India and can hit any target at anytime at will , this is the situation of India and it is due to secularist mentality.PREVENTION OF TERRORISM ACT [ Pota] has been abolished by Sonia Maino Gandhi-Khan's Congress and Communists is an anti India step  to appease Muslims terrorists.

This has proved the impotency of Nehru and his successors since 1947 to the present time that they are spineless when it comes to deal with Muslims.

Hindu is a Hindu and they are religious, they are not secular, enough is enough, the coward and opportunist secularists must stop labelling them as secular or else.

" To label India a secular county is the biggest crime committed by Gandhi and Nehru.  and a SCAM, is the root cause of all the evils  and courruption in India". Benoy  Mukherjee describing J.L. Nehru as imagining secularism to be panacea for all the centrifugal and divisive tendencies. He chose to forget that there was such a thing as pan –Islamism, that Islam called upon all its followers to unite regardless of nationality, that Allahu Akbar  was not merely a religious slogan but a political; exhortation as well.

England is a Christian country but has multicultural and multiracial society, it is not secular so should India be a Hindu Rashtra with Hinduism as a state religion and people living there are all Hindus first i.e., Hindu -Muslim, Hindu - Christian, Hindu - Sikh, Hindu - Buddhist as in England people are British - Hindu, British - Muslim, British - Asian, British - Chinese, British - Hungarian etc, etc.

The Hindus and Hindu leadership must take lessons from the past and unite against the evil forces and remove the secularism from India and send lovers of secularism to Andaman Islands (Kala Pani) for good and save Hindu (Native) culture, civilization, heritage, traditions and above all the glorious Hindu way of life by establishing Hindu Rashtra and Hinduism as state religion on the principles of one law for all, equality and justice and that is Raam Rajya where everybody will live without fear for ever.

I request you to read and think over the following and see what is your view. Is it secularism?

1. To invite Pope on state visit and give him 51 gun salute in New Delhi by Robert Rajiv Gandhi.Is it secularism?Pope has come three times to India so far why?

2. To subsidise Muslim to go to Mecca for Hajj.Is it secularism?Costing about  Rupees900 carores  in year 2011 and increasing every year. This subsidy  was started in 1959 by J.L.Nehru  that further proves that he was a  Muslim.

3. To pay mullahs to teach Koran to Muslim boys/girls in Madrassas who teach  them to hate and  harm  all the non Muslims .and this will cause destruction of India in future. Is it secularism?

4. To give Mother Teresa the honour of state funeral who only worked in the interest of Catholicism (Christianity) under the umbrella of humanity/ poverty/ poor. She  divided the poor people and converted them in to Christianity by working day and night to destroy native (Hindu) values of life, native culture, native tradition, native heritage, native way of living and native religion of Hindusthan i.e. Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism.Is it secularism?

5. To ban on Hindus who are 65 Years or over for pilgrimage to "AMARNATH" abode of Lord SHIVA.Is it secularism?

6. To restrict the number of Hindus to go to "Ayoddhya" which is the birthplace of     "SHRI RAAM".Is it secularism?

7. To take control of finances of large Hindu Temples.Is it secularism?To take over 50000Hindu Mandirs under state control is a scandal by Congress Party which has ruled since 1947.

8. To redicule Hindus in film songs and by English / foreign media. The secularism must now be destroyed in India to save mother India.

9.Hindu temples earning is collected which  is in MILLIONS OF Rupees and given to Madrasssas where Muslim boys and girls are taught to hate non Muslims, in these places Bin Ladin is their idol and hero so you can imagine what can happen. This has been the secularism of congress, communists, secularists and opportunists of post independent India which has destroyed the life of majority of Indians, this is also the policy of divide and rule plus bribe the Muslims for votes to remain in power.  Is it secularism?

10 To allow and open Embassy by Pope to represent Vatican Cty in New Delhi by Mr. Rajiv Robert Gandhi then P.M. was a grave mistake violating all the norms of diplomacy. Is it secularism?

11. A mosque was built secretly in Rashtrapati Bhavan by  Jihadi Zakir Hussain while he was president of India a well kept secret by  Government of India is violation of all the norms of the  post of President. Is it  secularism?

12. Is it secularism to  declare a University that Aligarh  Muslim University as a University for minorities? Universities are for the whole world not for a group of people.

We must first change the name of the country officially to Hindusthan and declare Hinduism as the state religion and only then the mentality of  slavery will go and a strong, healthy, confident  Hindu nation will be born. If you name the nation as Hindusthan then it will bring sense of belonging that may be we have different religions but we are originally  all Hindus so people of Hindusthan are  Hindusthani or in short  Hindu.

Hindus must dominate to rule and rule to dominate if they want to survive because  under secularism India is for everybody except Hindus and they are being slowly but surely destroyed  and not only that but everything attached to word  Hindu being constantly attacked, defamed, demoralised , diminished and aimed to be destroyed which can be seen all over the  partitioned India and there is no trace of ancient or Vaidic or Hindu culture in Pakistan/Bangladesh/ Afghanistan.

13.Burning of temple of Sabari Giri.

14.Construction of Church by destroying  a Shiv Mandir near birth place of  Adi Sankaracharya, Kerala.

15. Occupation of Kottiyoor Mandir.

16.Obstrction of Tali Mandir renovation.

17.To give money to Muslims to go to Hajj.

18. To give salary and financial aid to Muslims for Madarassas,

19. Cow slaughter has increased so much that indigenous cows are going to be extinct in very near future.

20. Construction of Churches near Tirupati temple.

21.Allowing Chistian missionaries  from abroad to convert Hindus.

22.Hindu code bill was passed which was  the idea of J.L.Nehru and it was the first blow to Hindus in 1950s because it was based on the Nehru's own brand of secularism otherwise he should have passed   'ONE LAW' for all the citizens Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Christians  but he did not ; why? Because he was against Hindus and Hinduism and believed in the policy of 'DIVIDE AND  RULE' and destroy Hindus and everything attached to Hinduism.

There are hundreds of such examples throughout India but secularists keep quiet and always accuse Hindus for everything else.

The secularism must be destroyed in India because it is number one enemy of  our culture and religion.

India's constitution proclaims the country is a secular state but the government of India and its gutless opportunist leaders do not treat all religions equally   and not only that Muslims and Christians are treated well, pampered and favoured or appeased in many ways.

Indian state governments seized management of Hindu temples and use the income to appease Muslims by providing travel to Mecca for Hajj and for many other purposes.In Hajj subsidy alone government pays 900 karore rupees every year and cost is rising every year.

The government allows Muslims and Christians to control. manage their places of worship.

The laws regarding marriage, inheritance, adoption, marriage and family problems are different for all religions .The unequal treatment by the government is the prime source of conflicts and  riots in India. This a very serious situation and matter of shame on the part of politicians to deprive the majority Hindus from their rights and truly speaking Hindus have fewer rights than the so called minorities.

The proposed pro minority bill is so bad that majority Hindus will suffer as Jews in Hitler's Germany. Is it secularism.

India is not a secular country rather it  heading to become Islamo- Christian country in due course of time.

The scams, scandals and corruption under Congress since 1947 are so serious that all congress and its associates in power must be behind the bars and this party led by a foreign women by name of Sonia Maino Gandhi must be banned and their assets and passports must be confiscated by G.O.I. before they run away. like Quottrochi.

The present madness for secularism by opportunist, selfish political parties Congress party of India, D.M.K., and Communist party of India ,B.SP, S.P., are  not only unpatriotic but suicidal for the country by cheating the people at large on name of secularism . Secularism must end in the interest of people and country because secularism is destroying the very existence of real India. The secularists must be removed from power in the interest of the betterment of India only then there will be all round progress which will bring equality, justice , peace,development  and prosperity for all.


Is it secularism.?


Slay all those who do not accept Jesus.-------Bible Luke19/27


Slay those who worship other  gods than Allah.--------Quran 8/17


Take the statements of Pope and Wahabi Leaders they  are against secularism and have organised  and planned  to convert particularly Hindus in India to Christianity and Islam by all available dirty tricks with unlimited  money available from abroad by rich oil nations and Christian nations you name it.

They have divided whole of partitioned –truncated, mutilated, divided, orphan,plundered,  broken India into 120 zones and these are sponsored  by European and American  countries under the direction of Vatican to Christianise India. Similar plan is in force by 57 Muslim  nations to support Mullas to convert Hindus into Islam with unlimited petro-dollars from oil rich Muslim counties by all possible dirty tricks.

This is a the gravest period in the history of Hindusthan particularly for Hindus.


Indian Secularism is not secular

Secularsm was a ploy which was created by croocks to claim equal status with holy vedic dharma for religions which were propagated by illiterate people now called prophets 

May 2, 2014 · by mariawirthblog                            

For years I did not know what opportunities to practice equanimity I had missed, till I finally got a TV set some 3 years ago. In the beginning, I certainly did not remain calm under all circumstances. What intense emotions in just an hour of listening to panelists on the news channels! However, slowly I learned to sit back. I could admire the quick-wittedness and the amazing ability to talk or rather shout while listening.


These anchors and panelists are no doubt intelligent, nevertheless their choice of topics is often pathetic, and they get some points consistently wrong. One such point is 'secular' or 'secularism'. Since secularism is mentioned daily in Indian media and since it is a western 'invention', I would like to put it into perspective:


Contrary to the general perception in India, secular is not the opposite of communal. Communal as such is not objectionable either. It simply means 'pertaining to a community'. In Germany, elections to local bodies are called "communal elections" (Kommunalwahlen).


Secular means worldly and is opposite to 'religious'. Now 'religious' in this context refers to Christianity, i.e. to a well-organized, dogmatic religion that claims that it is the sole keeper of the 'truth', which God himself has revealed to his Church.


And what is this revealed truth? In short: the human being is born in sin, which dates back originally to Adam and Eve. But fortunately, some 2000 years ago, God had mercy on humanity and sent his only son Jesus Christ to earth to redeem us by dying for our sins on the cross, then rising from the dead and going back to his father up in heaven. However to be able to get the benefit of Jesus' sacrifice, one must be baptized and become a member of the Church, otherwise one will be singled out for eternal hell on Judgment Day.


Understandably, such claims did not appeal to those who used their brains, but for many centuries they had to keep quiet or risk their lives.  The reason was that for long the Church was intertwined with the state, and  harsh laws made sure that people did not question the 'revealed truth'. Heresy was punished with torture and death. Even in faraway Goa, after Francis Xavier called the Inquisition to this colony, unspeakable brutality was committed against Indians. In many Muslim countries till today, leaving Islam is punishable by death.


Significantly, those centuries, when Church and State were intertwined, when the clergy prospered and the faithful sheep suffered are called the dark ages. And the time when the Church was forced to loosen its grip, is called the age of enlightenment, which started only some 350 years ago. Scientific discoveries, which could no longer be brushed under the carpet, played a crucial role for showing the Church her place. Now, more Europeans dared to oppose the stranglehold of religion. Many went to prison for doing so.


Slowly, the idea that reason, and not blind belief in a 'revealed truth', should guide society, took root and this lead to the demand for separation between state and Church. Such separation is called secularism. It is a recent phenomenon in the west.


Today, most western democracies are 'secular', i.e. the Church cannot push her agenda through state power, though most western democracies still grant Christianity preferential treatment. For example in Germany, the Constitution guarantees that the Christian doctrine is taught in government schools. Further, the Churches have retained special labour laws that make it obligatory for Church employees (alone in Germany over one million) to conform to Christian norms. Nevertheless, the present situation is a huge improvement over the dark ages when one had to pretend to believe unbelievable dogmas.


In India, however, the situation was different. Here, the dominant faith of the Indian people never had a power centre that dictated unreasonable dogmas and needed to be propped up by the state. Their faith was based on insights of the Rishis and on reason, intuition and direct experience. It expressed itself freely in a multitude of ways. Their faith was about trust and reverence for the One Source of all life. It was about doing the right thing at the right time according to one's conscience. It was about The Golden Rule: not to do to others what one does not want to be done to oneself. It was about having noble thoughts. It was about how to live life in an ideal way.


However, this open atmosphere changed when Islam and Christianity entered India. Indians, who good naturedly considered the whole world as family, were despised, ridiculed and under Muslim rule killed in big numbers only because they were 'Hindus' (which is basically a geographical term). Indians did not realise that dogmatic religions were very different from their own, ancient Dharma. For the first time they were confronted with merciless killing in the name of God. Voltaire, who fought the stranglehold of the Church in Europe, had accurately observed, "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities".


Guru Nanak left a testimony how bad the situation was, when he cried out in despair: "Having lifted Islam to the head, You have engulfed Hindustan in dread…. Such cruelty they have inflicted, and yet Your mercy remains unmoved…" (Granth Sahib, Mahla 1.360 quoted from Eminent Historians by Arun Shourie).


During Muslim rule Hindus had to lie low for fear of their lives, and during British rule they were ridiculed and despised by missionaries, and cut off from their tradition with the help of 'education' policies. Naturally, this took a toll on their self-esteem. In fact, till today, this low self-esteem especially in the English educated class is evident to outsiders, though it may not be so to the persons concerned. Swami Vivekananda's efforts to give Hindus back their spine did not impact this class of people. Nevertheless, it is a great achievement that Hindu Dharma survived for so many centuries, whereas the west succumbed completely to Christianity and over 50 countries to Islam in a short span of time.


Coming back to secularism. Though Hindu Dharma survived and never dictated terms to the state, 'secular' was added to the Constitution of India in 1976. There might have been a reason, as since Independence, several non-secular decisions had been taken. For example, Muslim and Christian representatives had pushed for special civil laws and other benefits and got them.


However, after adding 'secular', the situation did not improve. In fact the government seemed almost eager to benefit specifically the dogmatic religions (for which secularism was coined) and occasionally had to be restrained in its eagerness by the courts.


This is inexplicable.  Why would 'secular' be added and then not acted upon? And the strangest thing: 'secular' got a new, specific Indian meaning. It means today: fostering those two big religions which have no respect for Hindus and whose dogmas condemn all of them to eternal hell.

It is a sad irony. Can you imagine the Jews honouring the Germans with preferential treatment instead of seeking compensation for the millions of Jews killed? Yet Islam and Christianity that have gravely harmed Indians over centuries get preferential treatment by the Indian state, and their own beneficial dharma that has no other home except the Indian subcontinent, is egged out. And to top it, this is called 'secular'!


Obviously Indians have not learnt from the European experience. Hindus have not yet realized the intention of the dogmatic religions, though they say it openly: Finish off Hinduism from the face of the earth. Hindus still 'respect' them, though this respect is not and cannot be reciprocated as long as those religions claim that their God wants everyone to worship exclusively Him. Hindus don't realize that an ideology that uses God as a front does not become sacred, but all the more dangerous.


Media and politicians do their best to muddy the water. They call parties that represent a religious group, 'secular', instead of 'religious;' which would be the correct term. When the state gives in to demands by the big religious bullies it is also (falsely of course) called 'secular'. But WHY would the government do this? It clearly plays with fire. Does it want to give its citizens a firsthand experience of what the dark ages were like? In the interest of all Indians it would be wise for the state to simply ignore the powerful, dogmatic religions and focus on all its citizens equally. This means being 'secular'.


However, western secular states are not role models either. There is a lot of depression, drug abuse, alcohol and people are generally not happy in spite of doing everything to 'enjoy life'. Here, India has an advantage over the west. Her rishis have left a great heritage of valuable treatises not only dealing with how to live life in an ideal way, but also how to conduct economy, politics, management, etc. If those guidelines are considered, and if India becomes a state based on her ancient dharma, she has good chances to regain the lost glory as the wealthiest and most advanced country in the world whose citizen are open-minded and contented. If not, probably the west discovers this treasure trove and adopts it…..first.


by Maria Wirth

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