Saturday, September 10, 2016



Gandhi Used His Position to Sexually Exploit Young Women. The Way WE React to such Matters Even Today

   Gandhi used to sleep with girls of aged between 18 to 25. Very few people know about this but its true (for detail you can read books by Dr. L.R. BALI named "RANGEELA GANDHI" & "KYA GANDHI MAHATMA THE") the girls who slept with Gandhi accepted this. Gandhi used to say that he is doing all this for his BRAHMCHARI Experiments. What from his experiments he was wanted to prove nobody knows? Gandhi himself accepted this that at the time of going to London for higher studies he decided to keep himself away from MEAT, DARU and SEX, but he accepted that he could not control himself in the matter of SEX.


Gandhi Used His Position to Sexually Exploit Young Women. The Way WE React to such Matters Even Today                                                                                                Sun, Apr 3, 2016

By Rita Banerji:

NOTE: This letter is an excerpt from a collection of Gandhi's letters which have been compiled into a book titled "Mahatma Gandhi's Letters on Brahmacharya, Sexuality and Love" by Girja Kumar (Vitasta Publishing, 2011). More detailed citations and references on the chapter on Gandhi in Rita Banerji's book "Sex and Power: Defining History, Shaping Societies," [pages 265-281, Penguin Books, 2009].

It is a fact. Gandhi had young women in his ashram, some of them still teenagers, one of them his own grand-niece [Manu Gandhi], sleep naked with him in his bed at night. This was an aspect of Gandhi that I had not read about before, and it surprised me at first. I was researching for my book 'Sex and Power' which looks at the history of sex and sexuality in India, and it was important for me to investigate this further.

My initial tendency was to regard this as "gossip," but then some of the biographies confirmed it as fact, but also hurriedly dismissed it as something that we all apparently should accept as the eccentricities of "great" men! That's not a logical argument for me and so I began to dig into archives for more information till a complete picture emerged. And that picture upset me. I saw Gandhi as a classic example of a sexual predator — a man who uses his position of power to manipulate and sexually exploit the people he directly controls.

Most angering for me was reading about the psychological and emotional trauma of the girls and women who he used for his "experiments," which is what he called these incidents. The word 'psychotic' repeatedly came up in various documents with regards to these women's mental state. The women, most of who were in their late teens or early twenties [not surprisingly, given he could have'experimented' with the older women or even his own wife!] were repeatedly described as depressed and weeping, and seemed to be completely in his control. Besides this, some of the archival references lead me to believe that Gandhi may well have been practicing the traditional, historic form of Indian celibacy which hinges on one thing only — and that is control of ejaculation. Everything else is permitted.

What I could not understand is why school texts and biographies have selectively edited out this information because it was a big and explosive aspect of the inner dynamics of the Gandhi ashram and its inmates for the last 10 years of Gandhi's life. It eventually led to the partial break-up of his inner-core circle.

But Gandhi is long dead. So why should the naked girls in Gandhi's bed matter today?

Well, because the issue goes way beyond Gandhi. What really matters now, and it matters deeply, is how we respond to what Gandhi did!

Today we like to believe that we are far more progressive in terms of recognizing and condemning the abuse of power by men for sexual exploitation and abuse. And yet, I repeatedly find every time I bring this up [for eg. in this article Gandhi to Asharam: Who Empowers the Sex-Crimes of Gurus?] most people's responses are defensive and regressive!

But this is what surprised me most! Compared to our reactions and responses today, the people in Gandhi's time seemed to be far more progressive! They not only recognized that he was abusing his position and power in a way that was unethical and depraved, but they outright condemned it, confronted it, and eventually forced him to stop!

On 16th March, 1947, Nirmal Kumar Bose, one of Gandhi's closest associates wrote a letter toKishorlal G. Mashruwala, another of Gandhi's close colleagues, saying, "When I first learnt about Gandhi's experiment in which a girl took off her clothes and lay under the same cover with him and he tried to find out if any sexual feeling was evoked in him or his companion, I felt genuinely surprised. Personally, I would not tempt myself like that and more than that, my respect for [women] would prevent me from treating her as an instrument in my experiment…"

N.K. Bose's letter was only one of the many exchanges among Gandhi's closest associates and friends in the first half of 1947, about this practice of his that angered and upset many. These included prominent leaders of India's freedom movement such as Vallabhai PatelJ. B. Kriplani and Vinobha Bhave. Many of them confronted Gandhi directly, and others stopped associating with him.

This 1947 storm in the Gandhi camp was set off by R. P. Parasuram, a young man from Kerala who for two years had served as Gandhi's personal secretary and typist and watched his personal affairs from close by. Like many students in India at that time, Parasuram too had idolized Gandhi and after his studies, had travelled to Gandhi's ashram to live and work with him, and help with India's freedom movement.

But two years after working with Gandhi, Parasuram quit the ashram and his job. Before he left he wrote a 16-pg long letter explaining his distress at what he had witnessed in Gandhi's behaviour with girls and women in the ashram — which included other things besides his 'experiments' in bed. He said that as much as he had worshipped Gandhi, his conscience did not allow him to stay silent any longer. And that in order for him to continue, Gandhi had to concede to 5 of his demands [all of which dealt with Gandhi's physical interactions with girls at the ashram] which he listed in the letter. [See the letter below.]

On 2 January 1947 Gandhi responded to Parasuram's letter with, "I cannot concede your demands…Since such is my opinion and there is a conflict of ideals…you are at liberty to leave me today."

Parasuram did leave as did some of Gandhi's other close associates. But others, especially those who were in more senior positions as friends and associates, continued their pressure on Gandhi to stop.

One of the things that were a big issue was Gandhi's hypocrisy and manipulation, to what seemed to many to serve his own ends. Gandhi had made an unwritten rule of celibacy for all the inhabitants of his ashram. Oddly, he would even make married couples take this vow because he believed this was central to his philosophy of non-violence. Sexual stimulation of any sort, he preached, evoked violence in one's thoughts and behaviour. He would tell them that even touching each other was unacceptable. He made the life of one of his own son's whose wife got pregnant, absolutely hell, angry that they had had sex when he had forbidden them to! Yet he was free to do as he pleased! He was so confident that he wouldn't be challenged!

Swami Anand and Kedarnath in a question and answer grilling from 15-16 March 1947 shot off questions like "Why did you not take your coworkers into confidence and carry them with you [into] this novel practice?" and "Why do we find so much disquiet and unhappiness around you? Why are your companions emotionally unhinged?"

The Congress President J. B. Kriplani told him that he was simply, "exploiting human beings as means rather than as ends in themselves."

N.K. Bose suggested this course of action for Gandhi: "… he should not allow Manu [Gandhi's great-niece] to sleep in the same bed with him until he had tried enough to educate the public into his new way of thinking, or the public had got all the fact about him and clearly expressed its disapproval. Then he [can go]…back to his practice with the full brunt of his suffering for the opinion which he held right."

Vallabhai Patel told Gandhi off to his face. He said what he was doing was adharma (immoral). In a classic, egotistical way Gandhi retorted to Patel by telling Balkrishna Bhave "for me Manu sleeping with me is a matter of dharma (moral duty)."

But under this onslaught Gandhi eventually conceded defeat, even if not willingly. He said he felt like a "broken reed." His ego and narcissism had been broken by people around him who fortunately understood and did better than we do today!

This is the question that I'd like to ask everyone reading this. Why is it that hard to say, yes Gandhi, the hero of India's freedom movement had also used his power and position to sexually exploit/abuse girls and women who came under the mantle of his leadership?

Below is an extract from R. P. Parasuram's 16-page letter to Gandhi just before he quit. He called it his letter of "indictment."

               By Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari
Muhammad carried out his activity, but the person whose claim is imposed for getting Swantra for Bhaarat and who worked in British army gave the name to his actions as experiment with celibacy.
Ii is well known that Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the most trusted and the most loyal stooge of the British crown, served the British interest through his Satyagraha or the nonviolent freedom struggle. But most of the people of this country, who take him to be a man of high moral, do not know what short vile lechery he indulged in in the name of keeping Brahmacharys or celibacy, or in experimenting with the same. In 1903, when he was only 34 years old (alternatively in 1906, when he was 37), or in other words, when he was at the zenith of his youth, he took a vow that he will observe celibacy and will remain a brahmachari for the rest of his life (D Keer, Mahatma Gandhi, pp-73).
But the question remains, what made Gandhi, an extremely sensual man, to take such a vow? Gandhi was so sensual that when his father Karamchand was dying, he preferred to make love and have sex with his wife Kasturba in another room of the same house. So, when such a sensual Gandhi took vow to keep celibacy, one becomes suspicious that there must have been an evil intention behind that vow. Many believe that at that time, he developed some form of aversion towards Kasturba, an illiterate mother of three children, or in other words, he disliked to share bed with her. So, his intention was to abandon Kasturba as a sleeping partner in the name of keeping celibacy.
In 1882, when Mohandas was married to Kasturba, he was 13 and Kasturba was 14. While he was in South Africa, he came in contact with several educated and well bred women through his profession and Gandhi liked their company very much. From their company, Gandhi used to obtain a special kind of intellectual pleasure, which was not possible from Kasturba. At that time, more than a dozen women came very close to him and six of them were of Western origin. They were Graham Polak, Nilla Cram Cook, Madelline Slade (aka Miraben), Margarate Spiegel, Sonja Schlesin and Esther Faering (M V Kamath, Mahatma and Celibacy, Organiser, 2.7.2006). His closest Indian women were Srimati Prabhavati Devi (wife of Jaiprakash Narain), Kanchan Shah, Prema Ben Kantak, Sushila Nair (sister of Pyarelal), Manu Gandhi (wife of his grand-nephew Joysukhlal Gandhi), Ava Gandhi and Saraladevi Chaudhurani. This Saraladevi was a niece of the poet Rabindranath Tagore and her mother was Srimati Swarnakumari Devi (M V Kamath, ibid).  
To narrate the affair between Gandhi and Saraladevi, Sri Girija Kumar says, "Saraladevi Caowdhurani came very close to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Their whirl wind romance lasted for barely two years, but it upset the balance of the Gandhian establishment and shook its very roots. She is now a part of history and a footnote in contemporary Gandhian literature. She, however, left a scar in the minds of Gandhiji for the rest of his life." (Brahmacharya: Gandhi and his Women Associates, as quoted by M V Kamath, ibid.). Gandhi used to admit that his relation with Saraladevi went up to sexuality (Girija Kumar (1997), The Book on Trial: Fundamentalism and Censorship in India, Har-Anand Publishers. pp. 73–107).  
Next to Saraladevi was Prabhavatidevi. While commenting on Gandhi's affair with her, Girija Kumar writes, "Prabhavati became so obssessed with Gandhi that she would not tolerate separation from him even for a single day. .... Her hysteria was highest manifestation of her desperation. She would remain unconscious for hours together...", (Brahmacharya: Gandhi and his Women Associates, as quoted by M V Kamath, ibid.). "In his own way, without, obviously meaning it, the Mahatma ruined many lives. It was only when he was jailed at the Agha Khan Palace that he came to be reconciled with Kasturba. And it was only after Gandhi died that Prabhavati came to live a normal life with her husband, until she died a premature death. Many detested Gandhi's so-called 'experiments' with celibacy" (M V Kamath, ibid). In 1938, Prema Ben Kantak wrote Prasad and Diksha, narrating her sex life with Gandhi, which triggered a widespread uproar in Maharastra.  
However, the entire episode of his sexual perversion in the name of experimenting with celibacy or brahmacharya after coming back to India in 1915 and setting up the Sabarmati Ashram. And as a consequence, Gandhi started naked display of sex with his women associated, in a big way. This obviously aroused commotion among the other members of the ashram. "The main reason behind this uproar was his double standard. While for other members, he declared strict law for renunciation of women, he kept himself above all such restrictions. As an excuse, he used to say that he was an ardhanariswar (or half man and half woman, the other name of Lord Shiva ) and hence devoid of any carnal desire" (Yashodhara Roychowdhuri, Bengali daily Ananda Bazar Patrika, 25.6.2006). To hoodwink the other members, he used to say that he was the mother of all and hence every women of the ashram were either his mother or a sister. He used to deceive others in another way. He used to say that whatever he was doing, he was doing according to the command of his "inner voice", or, in other words, according to the command of the God and hence all his deeds were sacred.    
Though, due to the above mentioned uproar by the other members of the ashram, Gandhi was compelled to stop his sexual activities for a time being. But that was only to resume it with a new enthusiasm in the name of experiments on celibacy and sleeping naked with several naked women on the same bed. At first, he and his women, though shared the same room but slept on different beds. But after a short while, naked Gandhi and his naked women companions started to share the same bed. He used to say that lying with so many naked women kept him warm and the practice was a type of naturopathy for him (Patricia Caplan (1987). The Cultural construction of sexuality, Routledge. pp. 278 & Parekh, Bhikhu C. (1999). Colonialism, Tradition and Reform: An Analysis of Gandhi's Political Discourse, Sage. pp-210 ). He also used to say that lying with so many naked women helped him a lot to assess his success in keeping celibacy, (Kumar, Girja (1997). The Book on Trial: Fundamentalism and Censorship in India, Har-Anand Publications. pp. 98, and Gandhi's  letter to G D Birla in April, April, 1945). It should be mentioned here that Gandhi considered his experiment a success if, despite such extraordinary provocation, his private part refused to erect.  
Many will refuse to believe that, after Satyagraha (or nonviolence), sex was his second major subject of his articles and letters he wrote to his eulogists. He wrote a series of five articles of his experiments on celibacy, i.e. lying naked with so many naked women, which were later published in Harijan ( Kumar, Girja (1997). The Book on Trial: Fundamentalism and Censorship in India, Har-Anand Publications. Pp-98.). In the present context, it should also be mentioned that, in general, young and adolescent boys experience wet dream. When he was in South Africa, Gandhi had wet dream at least  once in a month. But it is unbelievable that he had such an experience in Mumbai, when he was an old man of 67. This single incidence is more than enough to expose Gandhi's sexual perversion. Moreover, Gandhi admitted that till his death, he failed to get rid of his sexual perversion (D Keer,ibid, p-678).  
According to Gandhi, active-celibacy meant perfect self control in the presence of opposite sex. Gandhi conducted his experiments with a number of women such as Abha, the sixteen-year-old wife of his grandnephew Kanu Gandhi.. Gandhi acknowledged "that this experiment is very dangerous indeed", but thought "that it was capable of yielding great results" (Tidrick, Kathryn (2007). Gandhi: A Political and Spiritual Life. I.B.Tauris. pp. 302–304). Many believe that, in the name of active celibacy, he not only used those women, but as he never sought for consent of them, he committed sexual oppression on them. On the other hand, the victims had no other alternative but to endure all such oppressions silently (Yashodhara Roychowdhuri, Ananda Bazar Patrike, 25.6.2006).  
While commenting on this aspect of Gandhi's life, Acharya Vinoba Bhave, a real brahmachari and the most earnest follower of Gandhi, said, "There was no need for Gandhi to experiment with brahmacharya. In case Gandhi was a perfect brahmachari, he did not require his brahmacharya to be tested; and if he was an imperfect brahmachari, he should have avioded the experiments on principle" (M V Kamath, Organiser-2.7.2006). But Gandhi maintained that all his experiments yielded very good results (Tidrick, Kathryn (2007). Gandhi: A Political and Spiritual Life, I.B.Tauris. pp. 302–304).  
It has been pointed out above that Gandhi conducted his experiments with a number of young women such as Abha, the sixteen-year-old wife of his grandnephew Kanu Gandhi. Another victim was 19 year-old Manu Gandhi, the daughter of his another grand-naphew Joysukhlal Gandhi. After making her a sleeping partner, Gandhi wrote to Joysukhlal that Manu had started to share his bed so that he may "correct her sleeping posture" ( Tidrick, Kathryn (2007). Gandhi: A Political and Spiritual Life, I.B.Tauris. pp.302–304.).  
Gandhi went to Noakhali in December, 1946, and at that time Manu Gandhi was his sleeping partner. He used to say that at that time he was immensely benefitted by lying naked with naked Manu. And it helped him to assess the serious problems like Partition and the Hindu-Muslim amity. Gandhi used to say that he slept with Manu like her mother and Abha and Manu were his walking sticks. It should be mentioned here that at that time, Manu Gandhi was married and her husband's name was Surendra Mashruwala. In March, 1945, Gandhi told the press reporters that lying with naked Abha and Manu, he achieved great success in his experiment on celibacy. "Previously I carried out similar experiments with Kasturba, but that did not yield so much" ( Tidrick, Kathryn (2007). Gandhi: A Political and Spiritual Life, I.B.Tauris. pp. 302–304.).  
Obviously, Gandhi became the target of bitter criticism, even by his closest companions, due to his sexual perversion in the name of experiments on brahmacharya. One day his stenographer R P Parashuram, observing him lying naked with naked Manu Gandhi, submitted his resignation letter and left the ashram. Gandhi told him that he was at liberty to do whatever he wanted. He could remain at the ashram or go. (Kumar, Girja (1997). The Book on Trial: Fundamentalism and Censorship in India, Har-Anand Publishers. pp. 73–107).  
Nirmal Kumar Basu was one of the closest associates of Gandhi and accompanied him during his Noakhali tour. There an incident took place on 17th December that turned Nirmal Kumar into a severe critique of Gandhi. On that night Gandhi was sleeping, as usual naked, with Manu Gandhi and Dr Sushila Nair. Sushila was a doctor and accompanied Gandhi to look after his healthy. Just before dawn, it appeared that something unusual was happening in the room where Gandhi was sleeping with Manu and Sushila. It was found that Gandhi was screaming in shrill voice and slapping his forehead.  
Neither Manu nor Sushila had ever disclosed what happened on that fateful night. But it was not so difficult to guess. Most probably, Gandhi made sexual advances to Sushila and tried to rape an unwilling Sushila. She, on the other hand, prevented Gandhi and cried for help and that made Gandhi to scream out of frustration. After this incident, Nirmal Kumar decided to abandon Gandhi and he permanently left him on 18th March, 1947 (Ghose, Sankar (1991). Mahatma Gandhi, Allied Publishers. pp. 356, D Keer, p-759 & Yashodhara Roychowdhuri, ibid.).  
Later on, Nirmal Kumar expressed his grievances through a letter. He wrote that, perhaps he, lying naked with several naked women, wanted to test whether that aroused his sexual passion. But, in fact, he was ruining the lives of his young women associates. It is a shame that we are still using the word Mahatma before the name of such a sexually pervert man.



Independence & whom I had met; 

References/infrences may be drawn by respective learned Recipients themselves: 

From: Satish Chandra
Sent: August 24, 2016

As I, being an old man, do NOT have Much energy to fall a prey into any Controversies, I simply wish to advise / inform those things only which I have actually seen or in which, I have myself been Involved as I do Not believe in any hearsay whether one believes me or Not, I do NOT care; I wd say or write that much which I only personally know of or experienced of. 

Re Mahatma Gandhi: While writing his book on "EXPERIMENTS WITH TRUTH ", he  had been sleeping with two Beautiful Charming Young Naked Girls  whom I have had met Later in Life . One was Smt. Kamladevi Chattopadhya & the other was Dr. Sushila Nayyer, M.P.  from Jhansi constituency.

Before I proceed Further , our Hindu Mythology , speaks  of One Durbhasha Rishi, Said to be the Most Senior & a Self -Controlled  GREAT  Hindu Saint  and it is said that when INDRA Bhagwan  got scared of his seat in Heaven because of His Uninterrupted "tapasya" ( Meditation)  , he had engaged "MENKA"to  enamour Durbhasha  Rishi "( To "Bhang" His "Tapasya")  & had succeeded in Spoiling / Disturbing his " Tapasya "  or meditation , thus Durbhasha Rishi Lost His chance to compete/ entitlement to  Indra 's throne .

So, my a million Dollar Question from Our Gandhi Bhakts, is when RISHI DURBHASHA Could NOT CONTROL HIMSELF BEFORE MENKA, how Gandhi cd Control himself while sleeping with TWO NAKED FAIR_COMPLEXIONED Beautiful Charming Young GIRLS on both his sides. PERHAPS, GANDHI WAS ABOVE   DURBHASHA RISHI.

But our GREAT Congress Had rewarded these two women   after 15th August, 1947 One such Girl was Rewarded with Cottage Industries & the other with Member of Parliament from CONGRESS's Safest Jhansi Constituency, since 1952 till almost her death. 

Now coming to Smt. Kamla Devi Chattopadhyay, when I had met her, first in Bombay Gym Club along with Her grand Daughters & Great- Grand Daughters, I had found all including Smt ji, Drinking alcohol like a habitual Drunkard & she & all her Grand & Great-Grand Children (All beautiful Girls), living in Golf Links, New Delhi, all were Smoking expensive cigarettes   like a chain Smoker along with Alcohol. All were, as I had Found, were Ultra -Modern too. 

Nothing much is known to me about Dr Sushila Nayyer except that she was rewarded with the safe Congress MP Seat from Jhansi constituency, almost till her death & entire Congress Government Machinery Used to work for her though she used to visit Jhansi once only during her election Campaign only. 

Both were rewarded by Congress owing to the fact that both said to be Sleeping naked with Gandhi.

RE Nehru:  I had written My personal encounter with him at Dal Lake, Srinagar, Kashmir, in "MY LETTER TO EDITOR" likely to be published in September, 2016 issue of "FAUJI INDIA" magazine, a GREAT MAGAZINE for ARMED FORCES & OUR DEFENCE RELATED MATTERS which ONE MUST SUBSCRIBE IF NOT YET DOING SO. 

( I subscribe to tens of weekly & monthly magazines  in Hindi & English including above &  "the Economist " published from London and at least  8-9  daily News Papers to keep myself up to date  on various matters with Diverse views . ) 

For yr infmn, so far I have been able to travel extensively in 54 countries including Pakistan (three times) & all over India from Ladhak to kanya Kumari ;kutch to Kohima,   which in itself is a great Education & to know various things first Hand that's why , possibly, I am able to write on Diverse Subjects though I am Not a good Speaker, rather a bad one. I have NO PERSONAL SELFISH INTERESTof any Kind. NOT even   FOR NAME EVEN & I HATE PEOPLE WHO MAY HAVE SOME HIDDEN AGENDA. 

S C GUPTA. Mumbai.


रंगीला पाकपिता गाँधी

2015-02-24 Pramod Agrawal <>:

क्या राष्ट्रपिता मोहनदास कर्मचंद गांधी असामान्य सेक्स बीहैवियर वाले अर्द्ध-दमित सेक्स मैनियॉक थेजी हांमहात्मा गांधी के सेक्स-जीवन को केंद्र बनाकर लिखी गई किताब "गांधीः नैक्ड ऐंबिशन"में एक ब्रिटिश प्रधानमंत्री के हवाले से ऐसा ही कहा गया है। महात्मा गांधी पर लिखी किताब आते ही विवाद के केंद्र में गई है जिसके चलते अंतरराष्ट्रीय बाज़ार में उसकी मांग बढ़ गई है। मशहूर ब्रिटिश इतिहासकार जैड ऐडम्स ने पंद्रह साल के अध्ययन और शोध के बाद "गांधीः नैक्ड ऐंबिशनको किताब का रूप दिया है।

किताब में वैसे तो नया कुछ नहीं है। राष्ट्रपिता के जीवन में आने वाली महिलाओं और लड़कियों के साथ गांधी के आत्मीय और मधुर रिश्तों पर ख़ास प्रकाश डाला गया है। रिश्ते को सनसनीख़ेज़ बनाने की कोशिश की गई है। मसलनजैड ऐडम्स ने लिखा है कि गांधी नग्न होकर लड़कियों और महिलाओं के साथ सोते ही नहीं थे बल्कि उनके साथ बाथरूम में "नग्न स्नानभी करते थे।

महात्मा गांधी हत्या के साठ साल गुज़र जाने के बाद भी हमारे मानस-पटल पर किसी संत की तरह उभरते हैं। अब तक बापू की छवि गोल फ्रेम का चश्मा पहने लंगोटधारी बुजुर्ग की रही है जो दो युवा-स्त्रियों को लाठी के रूप में सहारे के लिए इस्तेमाल करता हुआ चलता-फिरता है। आख़िरी क्षण तक गांधी ऐसे ही राजसी माहौल में रहे। मगर किसी ने उन पर उंगली नहीं उठाई। ऐसे में इस किताब में लिखी बाते लोगों ख़ासकरगांधीभक्तों को शायद ही हजम हों। दुनिया के लिए गांधी भारत के स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन के आध्यात्मिक नेता हैं। वह अहिंसा के प्रणेता और भारत के राष्ट्रपिता भी हैं। जो दुनिया को सविनय अवज्ञा और अहिंसा की राह पर चलने की प्रेरणा देता है। कहना होगा कि दुबली काया वाले उस पुतले ने दुनिया के कोने-कोने में मानव अधिकार आंदोलनों को ऊर्जा दीउन्हें प्रेरित किया।

नई किताब यह खुलासा करती है कि गांधी उन युवा महिलाओं के साथ ख़ुद को संतप्त किया जो उनकी पूजा करती थीं और अकसर उनके साथ बिस्तर शेयर करती थीं। बहरहालऐडम्स का दावा है कि लंदन से क़ानून की पढ़ाई करने के बाद वकील से गुरु बने गांधी की इमैज कठोर नेता की बनी जो अपने अनोखी सेक्सुअल डिमांड से अनुयायियों को वशीभूत कर लेता है। आमतौर पर लोग के लिए यह आचरण असहज हो सकता है पर गांधी के लिए सामान्य था। ऐडम्स ने किताब में लिखा है कि गांधी ने अपने आश्रमों में इतना कठोर अनुशासन बनाया था कि उनकी छवि 20वीं सदी के धर्मवादी नेताओं जैम्स वॉरेन जोन्स और डेविड कोरेश की तरह बन गई जो अपनी सम्मोहक सेक्स अपील से अनुयायियों को क़रीब-क़रीब ज्यों का त्यों वश में कर लेते थे। ब्रिटिश हिस्टोरियन के मुताबिक महात्मा गांधी सेक्स के बारे लिखना या बातें करना बेहद पसंद करते थे। किताब के मुताबिक हालांकि अन्य उच्चाकाक्षी पुरुषों की तरह गांधी कामुक भी थे और सेक्स से जुड़े तत्थों के बारे में आमतौर पर खुल कर लिखते थे। अपनी इच्छा को दमित करने के लिए ही उन्होंने कठोर परिश्रम का अनोखा स्वाभाव अपनाया जो कई लोगों को स्वीकार नहीं हो सकता।

किताब की शुरुआत ही गांधी की उस स्वीकारोक्ति से हुई है जिसमें गांधी ख़ुद लिखा या कहा करते थे कि उनके अंदर सेक्स-ऑब्सेशन का बीजारोपण किशोरावस्था में हुआ और वह बहुत कामुक हो गए थे। 13 साल की उम्र में 12 साल की कस्तूरबा से विवाह होने के बाद गांधी अकसर बेडरूम में होते थे। यहां तक कि उनके पिता कर्मचंद उर्फ कबा गांधी जब मृत्यु-शैया पर पड़े मौत से जूझ रहे थे उस समय किशोर मोहनदास पत्नी कस्तूरबा के साथ अपने बेडरूम में सेक्स का आनंद ले रहे थे।

किताब में कहा गया है कि विभाजन के दौरान नेहरू गांधी को अप्राकृतिक और असामान्य आदत वाला इंसान मानने लगे थे। सीनियर लीडर जेबी कृपलानी और वल्लभभाई पटेल ने गांधी के कामुक व्यवहार के चलते ही उनसे दूरी बना ली। यहां तक कि उनके परिवार के सदस्य और अन्य राजनीतिक साथी भी इससे ख़फ़ा थे। कई लोगों ने गांधी के प्रयोगों के चलते आश्रम छोड़ दिया। ऐडम ने गांधी और उनके क़रीबी लोगों के कथनों का हवाला देकर बापू को अत्यधिक कामुक साबित करने का पूरा प्रयास किया है। किताब में पंचगनी में ब्रह्मचर्य का प्रयोग का भी वर्णन किया हैजहां गांधी की सहयोगी सुशीला नायर गांधी के साथ निर्वस्त्र होकर सोती थीं और उनके साथ निर्वस्त्र होकर नहाती भी थीं। किताब में गांधी के ही वक्तव्य को उद्धरित किया गया है। मसलन इस बारे में गांधी ने ख़ुद लिखा है, "नहाते समय जब सुशीला निर्वस्त्र मेरे सामने होती है तो मेरी आंखें कसकर बंद हो जाती हैं। मुझे कुछ भी नज़र नहीं आता। मुझे बस केवल साबुन लगाने की आहट सुनाई देती है। मुझे कतई पता नहीं चलता कि कब वह पूरी तरह से नग्न हो गई है और कब वह सिर्फ अंतःवस्त्र पहनी होती है।"

किताब के ही मुताबिक जब बंगाल में दंगे हो रहे थे गांधी ने 18 साल की मनु को बुलाया और कहा "अगर तुम साथ नहीं होती तो मुस्लिम चरमपंथी हमारा क़त्ल कर देते। आओ आज से हम दोनों निर्वस्त्र होकर एक दूसरे के साथ सोएं और अपने शुद्ध होने और ब्रह्मचर्य का परीक्षण करें।ऐडम का दावा है कि गांधी के साथ सोने वाली सुशीलामनु और आभा ने गांधी के साथ शारीरिक संबंधों के बारे हमेशा अस्पष्ट बात कही। जब भी पूछा गया तब केवल यही कहा कि वह ब्रह्मचर्य के प्रयोग के सिद्धांतों का अभिन्न अंग है।

ऐडम्स के मुताबिक गांधी अपने लिए महात्मा संबोधन पसंद नहीं करते थे और वह अपने आध्यात्मिक कार्य में मशगूल रहे। गांधी की मृत्यु के बाद लंबे समय तक सेक्स को लेकर उनके प्रयोगों पर लीपापोती की जाती रही। हत्या के बाद गांधी को महिमामंडित करने और राष्ट्रपिता बनाने के लिए उन दस्तावेजोंतथ्यों और सबूतों को नष्ट कर दियाजिनसे साबित किया जा सकता था कि संत गांधी दरअसल सेक्स मैनियैक थे। कांग्रेस भी स्वार्थों के लिए अब तक गांधी और उनके सेक्स-एक्सपेरिमेंट से जुड़े सच को छुपाती रही है। गांधीजी की हत्या के बाद मनु को मुंह बंद रखने की सलाह दी गई। सुशीला भी इस मसले पर हमेशा चुप ही रहीं।

किताब में ऐडम्स दावा करते हैं कि सेक्स के जरिए गांधी अपने को आध्यात्मिक रूप से शुद्ध और परिष्कृत करने की कोशिशों में लगे रहे। नवविवाहित जोड़ों को अलग-अलग सोकर ब्रह्मचर्य का उपदेश देते थे। ऐडम्स के अनुसार सुशीला नायरमनु और आभा के अलावा बड़ी तादाद में महिलाएं गांधी के क़रीब आईं। कुछ उनकी बेहद ख़ास बन गईं। बंगाली परिवार की विद्वान और ख़ूबसूरत महिला सरलादेवी चौधरी से गांधी का संबंध जगज़ाहिर है। हालांकि गांधी केवल यही कहते रहे कि सरलादेवी उनकी "आध्यात्मिक पत्नीहैं। गांधी जी डेनमार्क मिशनरी की महिला इस्टर फाइरिंग को प्रेमपत्र लिखते थे। इस्टर जब आश्रम में आती तो बाकी लोगों को जलन होती क्योंकि गांधी उनसे एकांत में बातचीत करते थे। किताब में ब्रिटिश एडमिरल की बेटी मैडलीन स्लैड से गांधी के मधुर रिश्ते का जिक्र किया गया है जो हिंदुस्तान में आकर रहने लगीं और गांधी ने उन्हें मीराबेन का नाम दिया।

ऐडम्स ने कहा है कि नब्बे के दशक में उसे अपनी किताब " डाइनैस्टीलिखते समय गांधी और नेहरू के रिश्ते के बारे में काफी कुछ जानने को मिला। इसके बाद लेखक की तमन्ना थी कि वह गांधी के जीवन को अन्य लोगों के नजरिए से किताब के जरिए उकेरे। यह किताब उसी कोशिश का नतीजा है। जैड दावा करते हैं कि उन्होंने ख़ुद गांधी और उन्हें बेहद क़रीब से जानने वालों की महात्मा के बारे में लिखे गए किताबों और अन्य दस्तावेजों का गहन अध्ययन और शोध किया है। उनके विचारों का जानने के लिए कई साल तक शोध किया। उसके बाद इस निष्कर्ष पर पहुंचे।

इस बारे में ऐडम्स ने स्वीकार किया है कि यह किताब विवाद से घिरेगी। उन्होंने कहा, "मैं जानता हूं इस एक किताब को पढ़कर भारत के लोग मुझसे नाराज़ हो सकते हैं लेकिन जब मेरी किताब का लंदन विश्वविद्यालय में विमोचन हुआ तो तमाम भारतीय छात्रों ने मेरे प्रयास की सराहना कीमुझे बधाई दी।" 288 पेज की करीब आठ सौ रुपए मूल्य की यह किताब जल्द ही भारतीय बाज़ार में उपलब्ध होगी। 'गांधीः नैक्ड ऐंबिशनका लंदन यूनिवर्सिटी में विमोचन हो चुका है। किताब में गांधी की जीवन की तक़रीबन हर अहम घटना को समाहित करने की कोशिश की गई है। जैड ऐडम्स ने गांधी के महाव्यक्तित्व को महिमामंडित करने की पूरी कोशिश की है। हालांकि उनके सेक्स-जीवन की इस तरह व्याख्या की है कि गांधीवादियों और कांग्रेसियों को इस पर सख़्त ऐतराज़ हो सकता है।

लेखक हरिगोविंद विश्वकर्मा वरिष्ठ पत्रकार हैं. इस लेख का स्रोत ब्रिटिश अख़बारों में "गांधीः नैक्ड ऐंबिशनके छपे रिव्यू और रिपोर्ताज हैं.


                                                                                                                                         ५० साल की उम्र में गांधीजी रवींद्रनाथ टागोर की भांजी से करना चाहते थे दूसरी शादी !


जनवरी 31, 2015 Leave a comment

माघ शुक्ल पक्ष द्वादशी, कलियुग वर्ष ५११६

अहमदाबाद : महात्मा गांधी के पिता का नाम करमचंद्र और माता का नाम पुतलीबाई था। अपने परिवार में सबसे छोटे बापू की एक सबसे बड़ी बहन और दो बड़े भाई थे। इनकी सबसे बड़ी बहन रलियत, फिर भाई लक्ष्मीदास और भाभी नंद कुंवरबेन, भाई कृष्णदास और भाभी गंगा थीं।

३० जनवरी, १९४८ को महात्मा गांधी की हत्या कर दी थी। राष्ट्रपिता के रूप में महात्मा गांधी एक अनोखा व्यक्तित्व रखने वाली शख्सियत थी, लेकिन उनके जीवन से जुड़े कुछ तथ्य शॉकिंग भी हैं।

अनेकों पुस्तकों में महात्मा गांधी से कई स्त्रियों के संबधों का दावा किया गया है। लेकिन इसमें सबसे चर्चास्पद मामला रहा है, महात्मा गांधी और सरला देवी के संबंधों को लेकर। महात्मा गांधी और सरलादेवी शादी करना चाहते थे। उल्लेखनीय है सरलादेवी रवींद्रनाथ टैगोर की बड़ी बहन की बेटी थीं।

इस समय ५० वर्षीय बापू चार संतानों के पिता बन चुके थे

इतिहास की अनेकों पुस्तकों में महात्मा गांधी से कई स्त्रियों के संबधों का दावा किया गया है। लेकिन इसमें सबसे चर्चास्पद मामला रहा है, महात्मा गांधी और सरला देवी के संबंधों को लेकर। उल्लेखनीय है कि सरलादेवी रवींद्रनाथ टैगोर की बड़ी बहन की बेटी थीं।



गांधीजी के ७१ वर्षीय पोते राजमोहन गांधी ने अपनी एक पुस्तक में लिखा है कि अपनी विवेकबुद्धि के लिए प्रख्यात महात्मा गांधी विवाहित और चार संतानों के पिता होने के बावजूद भी सरलादेवी के प्रेम में पड़ गए थे। इतना ही नहीं, वे सरला से शादी करने के लिए भी तैयार हो गए थे। सरलादेवी गांधीजी की पत्नी कस्तूरबा की तुलना में काफी प्रतिभाशाली और बुद्धिमान थीं और वे स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में सक्रिय थीं।

परिवार और राष्ट्रहित के लिए उन पर भी गांधीजी से संबंधों पर पूर्ण विराम लगाने का दबाव डाला गया। राजमोहन के अनुसार गांधीजी का यह प्रेम प्रकरण सीक्रेट नहीं था, बल्कि यह बात दोनों परिवारों में सबको मालूम थी। हालांकि यह बात अलग है कि सरलादेवी ने अपनी आत्मकथा में इस बात का जिक्र नहीं किया है।



सरलादेवी का दीपक चौधरी नामक एक बेटा था। सरलादेवी के मोहपाश में बंधे गांधीजी ने तो दीपक के लिए पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरू से बेटी इंदिरा गांधी का हाथ भी मांगा था। लेकिन पंडित नेहरू ने इसके लिए स्पष्ट मना कर दिया था। सरलादेवी के पति चौधरी राम भाजी दत्त स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में मुख्य रूप से सक्रिय थे। जब वे जेल में थे, तब उन्होंने ही सरलादेवी को महात्मा गांधी के घर पर रहने के लिए कहा था। बताया जाता है कि इसी बीच महात्मा गांधी और सरलादेवी एक-दूसरे के नजदीक आए थे। इन्होंने तो 'आध्यात्मिक लग्न' कर लेने का आयोजन भी कर लिया था, जिसका गांधीजी के बेटे देवदास गांधी ने भारी विरोध किया था।

सरलादेवी के अलावा गांधीजी के कुछ अन्य स्त्रियों से संबंधों का भी दावा किया जाता है। इसमें ब्रिटिश एडमिरल की बेटी मेडेलीन स्लेड, सुशीला नायर और दो मानसपुत्रियों मनु तथा आभा गांधी का भी नाम शामिल है।


सुशीला नायर

गांधीजी का विवाह सन् १८८३ में कस्तूरबा से हुआ, इस समय उनकी उम्र १३ वर्ष थी। जबकि कस्तूरबा गांधीजी से एक वर्ष बड़ी उम्र की थीं। कस्तूरबा निरक्षर थीं, लेकिन वे हमेशा से ही गृहकार्य में कुशल रहीं। महात्मा गांधी ने अपनी आत्मकथा 'मेरे सत्य के प्रयोग' में लिखा है कि जब उनके पिता मरणासन्न की स्थिति में थे, तब वे कस्तूरबा से शारीरिक संबंध स्थापित कर रहे थे, इसी बीच दूसरे कमरे में उनके पिता की मृत्यु हुई थी। इस घटना के बाद से सेक्स के प्रति महात्मा गांधी की रुचि कम हो गई और वे मानने लगे कि जब दंपति को संतान उत्पन्न करना हो, तभी शारीरिक संबंध स्थापित करने चाहिए।


इतना ही नहीं, महात्मा गांधी अपने ब्रह्मचर्य की परीक्षा लेने के लिए सुशीला नायर और टीनएज मनु तथा आभा के साथ सह-स्नान और नग्न होकर सोने के प्रयोग भी किया करते थे। महात्मा गांधी के ये प्रयोग भारी विवाद का मुद्दा भी बना था। इसे लेकर आश्रमवासियों और उनके परिवारजनों ने उनसे नाराजगी भी प्रकट की थी।


मनु तथा आभा

स्त्रोत : दैनिक भास्कर

संबंधित वार्ता :

§  लव जेहाद से निपटने के लिए दे रहे हैं प्रशिक्षण मालासिंह ठाकुर, दुर्गावाहिनी प्रांत संयोजिका

§  अलीगढ : सुनियोजित ढंग से फैलाया जा रहा लव जिहाद !

§  कौन कहता है, लव जिहाद अस्तित्वमें नहीं है ?

§  हिन्दुत्वनिष्ठों, छोटी-छोटी प्रासंगिक बातोंमें भावनाकी बाधाएं उत्पन्न करनेकी अपेक्षा हिन्दू राष्ट्रकी स्थापना हेतु पूरी शक्तिका उपयोग करें !

§  भारतको रसातलकी ओर ले जानेवाली लोकशाहीकी निरर्थकता !


On 11 Mar 2015, Amit Bhadhuri wrote:

There is no doubt Gandhi was a Brit Scrooge otherwise why on earth Brit is going to ERECT a statue of him outside the parliament, the only foreigner ever got that.  I have lived in the UK for 37 years, I know it damn well the Brits better than the most, that, how devious, manipulative, divisive, treacherous and cruel Brits can be when it comes to their own and national interests. Behind almost every single crisis and creation of Islamic states STARTING FROM WAHABBI IN SAUDI IN 1932 TO CREATION OF PAKI IN 1947 and ISLAMIC terrorist groups; USA and Brits have blood in their hands.  AND THEY ARE STILL DOING IT EVEN TODAY. if politically and foreign policy wise there are two most rogue nations on the planet then they are US and UK. Pakistan will be dead in seven days without them and the Brits still play the divisive hindus and muzzers politics in UK. SADLY PEOPLE DON'T READ THE PROPER HISTORY OR COWARDS TO SPEAK OUT THE TRUTH.


        Gandhi was also a filthy paedophile and got away with it with Brit protection. Now tell me how on earth Mr. U-turn alias Modi puts a massive statue of Gandhi in his PM's room; the only PM ever to do that and every single day he praises Gandhi anywhere and everywhere. WHY? Because this Gujju also has a deceitful side in his character and he is not as nationalist and patriotic as he tries to project.  Look how he betrayed the nation on Netaji's files.

 Om Shakti,



Was Gandhi a Mahatma?

On 10/3/07, Mina Ajay < > wrote:

Considering Gandhi's confused thinking, irrelevant philosophy, his ways of distorting the truth, unprincipled attitude, lakhs of innocent Hindus dying all because of his doing and the turmoil caused to lakhs of Hindus left adrift due to his irresponsible behaviour, one is compelled to ask the question, "Was Gandhi a Mahatma in the real sense?"

Was complying with the irrational demands of the Muslims, harbouring a hatred towards Subhashchandra Bose, supporting the Khilafat movement, all befitting the Mahatma's title? - P.P. Kane Maharaj, Narayangaon, District Pune, Maharashtra.


On Wednesday, August 24, 2016, Pramod Agrawal <> wrote:

Please stop writing him Mahatma.

His name is "Pak Pitaa" Mohandas Karmchand Gandhi.

He was/is not mahatma.

Ln. P.K. Agrawal

On 03-Sep-2016, Pramod Agrawal <
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, on the name of non violence is responsible for the killing of more the 50 lacs innocent Hindus. 

He was/is (including J.L. Nehru-Khan) the curse for Bhaarat.

Both they, deserve a hard kick on their butts. heir name should be removed from Indian History. Indian people are seance-less, unnecessary praising them. 

Real hero!!! Saheed Nathuram Godes: always praise and remember him.

Mahatma Gandhi leading a peaceful march

When Mahatma Gandhi advised the Indian people to practice non violence, it helped to bring the British empire in India to its knees. (WHAT NONSENSE & STUPIFITY IS ACCEPTED AS TRUTH BY THE BRAINWASHED INDIAN PEOPLE!)




Stop Visiting Samadhi

Take our Visiting V.V.I.Ps. first to war Memorials.  Instead of taking them "Gandhi Samadhi" who had made us sheep & Goats & had pushed away our Independence by FIFTY YEARS OR MORE by his NON- VIOLENCE THEORY, who did not inspire our Brave youth, DID NOT LAUNCH AN ARMED REVOLUTION LIKE FRENCH REVOLUTION of 1789, we the ungrateful Citizens of INDIA, forgetting the INNUMERABLE KILLINGS & BARBARIC TORTURE TO OUR PEOPLE IN CELLULAR JAILS, ANDAMAN & en masse shooting of our veer unarmed Krantikaries who were brought in worst pathetic Conditions, in train-loads  in a DISCREET & LONELY  place "DIGSHAI" in Himachal Pradesh manned by the British's ⅓ GORKHA RIFLES. 


Himalyan blunders

1 January, 1947, Srirampur

Revered Bapu,

I write these lines in sorrow and pain…You know how shy and unforward I have been these two years. You must imagine to what depths I must have been agitated then to overcome my shyness and become bold and that too with a man who is considered by many to be the greatest man living…

You must also ponder over the fact as to what it is that has made me bold and say things so boldly. It is because I feel I am so clearly in the right and you so clearly in the wrong. It is the cause that gives me the courage.

It is not that I did not know these before. I knew and kept quiet. I thought "Why should I bring these to him?" There are men like Kanu [Gandhi], Kishorilal-bhai [Mashruwala], etc., experienced men and men knowing you fully. And then I had not the courage. I have come over my shyness with you…

When first I came to the ashram I came with high respect for the ashram and its inmates and its way of life. All that was knocked off in 24 hours…After coming here I must confess to having lost a portion of the respect I had for you….You are the Father of our Nation…You have taken us so far along the path of freedom and independence…You must see the hand of God…in the fact that I have overcome my shyness.

I object to your sleeping in the same bed with members of the opposite sex. In February 1945 or so I was given the draft of a statement to type. I was shocked by the contents…I must tell you that even before I know of this. One day Amin-bhai came and told me that he was shocked to see Manu [Manu Gandhi — Gandhi's own grand niece] getting into your bed.

In those days I was more shy than I am now. My only friend in the ashram was Amin. Even then I came to know of the discussions about this affair because the ashram people are so careless and can't keep their mouth shut. Everybody objected to your doing this…

Apart from the question of any affect on you what about the effect on girls?

There is something of other wrong with them [the women who sleep naked with Gandhi]. [The] Punjabi girl who lived opposite my room in Matunga…She used to weep unrestrainedly and that not caring whether others saw her or not. She laughed also unrestrainedly…And then here is Dr. Sushila-behn [The 24-year-old in-house physician at the ashram who Gandhi also used for his 'experiments']. How many are the days when she has not wept? She is a doctor and yet she is always a patient, always is ill. Who has heard of a doctor who cries out at night?

Even then the whole thing is considered wrong by the world. I do not like it. Nirmal babu [Bose] does not. Sucheta-behn [Kriplani] did not like it and said "However great he may be, he cannot do such things. What is this?" You must admit that there is something in our objection. You cannot waive it aside.

As for blood relations [This is reference to Manu Gandhi]. The world is sceptic even there. There have been cases of immorality between father and daughter, brother and sister…

I object to your having massage done by girls. When I was studying in college I read a report saying you were being massaged by Dr. Sushila-behn…And now I find you do get yourself massaged by girls.

Those people who know that you are naked during massage time say that you could at least put a cover over it [his genitals]…

The same objection I hold against girls coming to the bathroom when you go there. Ramachandran saw you like that and said you had fallen a little from his estimation. However great you may be, you cannot do these things.

Your placing your hands on shoulders of girls. You had written once that you gave up this practice because others intimated you with evil intention. I have not come across any other writing saying you could resume it. So it was strange to me why you resumed it…During the two years I have been with you, about 50 letters or so objecting to this practice from admirers and calumniators came. None of them got any reply…

Your being seen naked [during his bath and massage] jars on the mind of strangers, admirers though they might be. Ramachandran did not like it. He said it was the limit…

Ever since the 17th December [1946] when in the small hours of the morning you made those dreadful sounds, dreadful because it came from you man of such eminence, even otherwise unbecoming for any wise or old man, my head has not been at peace. I have heard of another such instance from Mr. Ramachandran of the API [Associated Press of India] when you told Sushila-behn to leave you. I have seen such another instance at Delhi…But this event shook me to my depths. I said to myself that God and the nation would not forgive me if I kept quiet…

You commit Himalyan blunders. But you refuse to see these things and when told, you are irritated…I say you are conceited and constitute yourself to be the repository of all the wisdom in the world…

And now to my charges. Unless [my demands] are fulfilled I depart…I beg to differ and go away…Your actions to which I object:

1. Your sleeping with any member of the opposite sex.
2. Being massaged by any member of the opposite sex.
3. Allowing yourself to be seen naked by any member of the opposite sex.
4. Allowing yourself to be seen naked by strangers and even by people who are of your party who are not so intimate.
5. Placing your hands on the shoulders of girls when walking.

_ Posted by:

I feel very much Disturbed to find that our present Government is also promoting the legacy of Gandhi. However I am hoping against all hopes that soon we will come to our Senses & KNOW THE ACTUAL FACTS & Truth.  

S C Gupta. 



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