Wednesday, July 20, 2011

THE TREASURE TROVE OF SRI PADMANABHA SWAMI TEMPLE: THE CONTEMPORARY DEBATES - Should the riches of a temple be used for secular purpose?



In recent days, the discovery of priceless treasure at the vault of Sri Padmanabha Swami Temple at Thiruananthapuram has led to an outpouring of discussion. The world media is replete with findings of Gold ornaments, emeralds, precious stones, expensive diamonds, and gold coins and jewels worth more than 150000 cores found at the Temple. The news is essentially true. The facts and figures are real. The findings of enormous and precious treasure at the temple have led to outpouring of political rhetoric including sickening calls from atheists, Marxist anarchists, and phony secularists for confiscating the temple treasure. Bogus secular bureaucrats from the anti national congress government have questioned the need to preserve the temple treasure under the management of Sri Padmananbha Swami temple. For anti Hindus, such assertion may sound reasonable and believable. Some Jihadi Muslims and few perverted secularists want the temple findings to be transferred to the government museum. The anti Hindu the Islamic and the Marxist media, no matter how blurred their vision may be, are eager to transfer temple treasure to museums for ideological reasons. Their pronouncement is so crude in a quasi-Marxist way that is embarrassing.

        We know that Islam thrived by forceful possession of someone's wealth. Islamic invasion, looting of Hindu temple wealth, destruction of Hindu temple are too numerous to mention. There will always be Islamic brutes who will attempt to rob Hindu temple treasures. Hindus should guard against thinking lightly of this Islamic phenomenon merely on account of its initial painfulness and ugliness. Marxists and Islamists are at work against Hindutva on a greater scale. Their goal is to create bad conscience and build negative ideals. The bad conscience of the phony secularists, Marxists and Jihadis is an illness. The illness increases whenever they issue perverted statements for insulting Hindus. It is sickness, beyond any doubt, the most terrible sickness that has ever raged.

I do not think the discovery of vast treasure, precious jewels and valuable gold coins is sufficiently appreciated by the Islamic and Marxist media and phony secular elites at large. The unusual discovery has also baffled several anti Hindu bureaucrats. Many scholars, historians, archeologists, and Hindu leaders have made serious and brilliant explanations of the findings and the need to preserve it, protect it under Hindus for Sri Padmanabha Swami Temple.

         The pseudo secular and Jihadi groups that favor government interference have a special interest in this matter which contradicts interests of Hindus. They are not interested in discussing Hajj subsidy, special privileges for Muslims and Christians and the anti Hindu policies of the pseudo secular government. They are promoting the 'sinister' of those who stand to gain and to benefit from special privileges at the expense of the Hindu community.

          Few misguided opportunists and phony secularists have issued statements against preserving the temple treasure under Hindu management or for preserving Hindu Dharma and promoting temple culture. They want the temple treasure to be distributed to the poor. These miscreants claim that they issued statements for public interest. These anti national elements have issued anti Hindu statements not based on justice, equality, freedom or fairness. Their public pronouncements are based on false theories which allow them to avoid giving any concrete defense of their misguided statements. The public interest is a vacuous concept which allows phony secular politicians and bureaucrats to avoid giving any concrete defense of their policies.

              Each day's newspaper brings illogical arguments, false theories and general rhetoric in favor of looting Hindu treasures. At the moment all this shows is that these considerations are not valued by devotees of Sri Padmananbha Swami. These anti Hindu bogus secular-Marxists and Muslim media and civil servants find it a handy smoke-screen to cover their Hindu hatred. It can be deduced that most of the phrases in discussion must be either fraudulent or vacuous. Their true interest lies somewhere else.

                  The objection to such perverted assertion is based on historical, political, economic and religious grounds—are too numerous to mention. Hindu temples have experienced historical vicissitudes that relatively make them vulnerable institutions under the pseudo secular government. Hindu temples are currently undergoing severe scrutiny from a variety of government sources. Most observers seem to agree that the problem of Hindu temples is of crisis proportions. The diagnosis is based largely on the fact that temple funds are looted by atheists, pseudo secularists and Marxist bureaucrats. The costs of daily temple program and maintenance of temples are increasing rapidly.

                Sri Padmanabha Swami temple wealth which I believe ought to be interpreted by a new look with both historical and contemporary issues. Hindus must speak and act on important issues that affect their present and future life. There are some issues which will probably always be important to Hindus such as the preservation of Hindu Dharma, protection of Hindu temples, and the problem created by the Marxist, Jihadi, Christian, pseudo secular nexus against Hindutva.

            The public interest demands the preservation and protection of Sri Padmannabha Swami Temple wealth in Hindu hands. The pseudo secular government must yield to the public interest. The vested interest group, under free speech is just merely urging private interest. Criticizing Hindus in some ways is not part of the right of free speech. Freedom of speech does not mean that one can say just anything absurd.

          Advising that Hindus only must share devotee offering to God to the government, which is so dangerous is not covered by freedom of speech. Justice demands that Hindu temples must be liberated from the clutches of atheist, Marxists, and bogus secular government.

                   Hindus know all that needs to be done to convert government policies from a festering sore in the social tissue of Hindus into a community in which fairness, justice and equal opportunity can take place. Hindus must be active and assertive and question the government and challenge about the basic political and social principles favoring only Muslims and Christians.

                   Our task is to create a state in which Hindus will not survive but will also flourish. Hindu organizations and Hindu spiritual leaders must address the good will to civilizing the barbarous pseudo secular political system. In the final analysis, the central ingredient in any solution to stop looting of temple wealth is free Hindu temples from government control. It is essential Hindus must join together and step into put pressure on the government to liberate Hindu temples. Hindus must be active in the political process and subject to critical analysis the leading traditional theory of justification for Islamic and Christian appeasement and special privileges and interference of Hindu temples. Hindus must question….. On what conditions Hindus are discriminated in a democracy. It is important in its own right. The question has additional significance, such as those concerning Hajj subsidy, Shania law, and Christian family law instead of civil code. These questions have, of course, been much more than theoretical interest in the recent experience of Hindus in India.

                      The discovery of precious treasure at Sri Padmanabha Swami Temple and the pseudo secular demand for confiscating temple treasure for the government is not an isolated incident but as part of a political system to wipe out Hindutva. This is a typical instance of what is grievously with secular India. Hindus should initiate new way of thinking to participate in political process rather than going back to sleep. It is time for Hindus to join together and make profound qualitative change for a new epoch in our history. The irrational, primitive and vindictive policies of the government are meant to please organized Muslims and Christians and their foreign masters. No wonder so many secular Hindus have fallen victims to such blandishments.

          A condition affecting a small segment of the population (Muslims and Christens) is more likely to be considered as a national problem by the bogus secular government even if it has adverse effects on the rest of society. One factor that has undoubtedly contributed to this is the lack of clout of Hindus. In contrast Muslims and Christians are more politically active and assertive. Hindus become accustomed to the prevailing levels of political domination of the Muslims and Christians. But a sharp increase in the awareness of undesirable conditions might leads to political participation of Hindus.

          The bogus secular government often supports anti national Islamic and missionary elite groups and oppose Hindu movements protecting Hindu dharma, temples and universal spiritual values. The pseudo secular government is more likely to define Hindu protest movement as insurgency not as national movement to protect the nation from corruption, undesirable conditions, subversive activities, looting, black money, Jihadi terrorism and coercive religious conversion.

                  It is time for Hindus to take collective social action not infrequent acts of highly deviant people like Maoist anarchists. Many passive Hindus accept adverse conditions deliberately created by anti Hindu forces as fatalistic and do not require collective social action. They feel that their best interests are optimized by the status quo. Apathetic Hindus may in principle support efforts to deal with the social problem, but they feel, the assertive action being proposed will not have any real effect on the problem.

It is time for Hindus to object anti national minority groups imposing their ideology on to the majority. The majority Hindu values, standards and our Dharma, not personal, capricious and whimsical values of the minority must be used to determine our policies.


Should the riches of a temple be used for secular purpose?

Vivek Gumaste

The Shri Padmanabhaswamy Temple is no El Dorado. The fabulous treasure trove unearthed from the subterranean vaults of the hallowed shrine in Thiruvananthapuram with its hordes of gleaming gold coins, exquisitely carved antique statuettes and overflowing caskets of rubies and diamonds, may parallel the imagined grandeur of legendary El Dorado but that is where all similarity ends.

When dark cellars revealed the riches of a Kerala temple

El Dorado or the 'lost city of gold' was an undiscovered fabled haven of limitless riches supposedly located somewhere in the dense wilderness of the Amazon basin, making it fair game for one and all to pursue with no legal strictures or moral compulsions.

The wealth of the Shri Padmanabhaswamy temple was neither  abandoned, unclaimed nor lost; it had been secreted away for safekeeping from the preying eyes of pillaging invaders. Its rediscovery within the legal precincts of this viable, functioning Hindu sanctorum reduces any controversy about its ownership to a nihility.

The treasure is without an iota of doubt the rightful property of the temple and by extrapolation of the Hindu community.

              That this astonishing discovery was the direct fallout of a Supreme Court initiative responding to a PIL urging government control must also compel us to re-examine the role of the state in Hindu religious matters: specifically its legality and its practical ramifications.

The Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Act of 1951 (HRCE) invests state governments with authority over Hindu temples for the ostensible purpose of streamlining their functioning.

                    At present, most Hindu temples in Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh and a host of prominent temples like Jagannath Puri, Kashi Vishwanath, Vaishno Devi and Amarnath are under the jurisdiction of the government.

                    The HRCE Act is ideologically flawed on two counts. First, it goes against the basic tenet of secularism that emphasizes separation of state and religion. Second, it smacks of blatant discrimination. When Islam and Christianity are given total freedom to conduct their affairs, why should Hinduism alone be singled out for these restrictive regulations?

                Not surprisingly, the judiciary agrees. In a landmark decision in 2006, the Karnataka High Court struck down the Karnataka Hindu Religious and Endowment Act of 1997 indicating that "the legislation violated Articles 14, 25 and 26 of the Constitution which provided for right to equality, freedom of conscience and freedom of profession, practice and propagation of religion and also the freedom to manage the religious affairs."

                     More damning than this ideological infraction is the adverse practical impact of this act which has been exploited by unscrupulous politicians to siphon off crores of Hindu monies to sustain Muslim and Christian institutions, usurp temple land for personal gain and indulge in skullduggery to undermine Hindu institutions vis-a-vis its religious adversaries.

Below is a limited but telling list of some high profile instances of chicanery that demonstrate the extent and scope of wrongdoing via the HRCE Act:

----- Hindu temples are compelled to contribute 5% of their income to a government controlled discretionary Common Pool Fund.

---- In 1997, the Karnataka government exacted Rs 52 crore from Hindu temples but returned only Rs 17 crore; Rs 12 crore were allocated to madrassas and churches and Rs 23 crore were utilized for government programs. The figures for subsequent years till 2002 indicate a similar or even worse disparity.

---- In AP, the state government has not denied the charge of appropriating 85% of TTD's (Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams) annual revenue of over Rs 3100 crores.

Probing an allegation of inappropriate donations made to NGO's by the Shree Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai, Justice Tipnis concluded: ''... there is no method or principle followed for particular institutions. The only criteria  for selection was recommendation or reference by trustees or the minister or a political heavy-weight, generally belonging to ruling party.''

---- In 2010, the Orissa government sold 500 acres belonging to the Jagannath Puri temple at a throw away price of 1 lakh per acre to the Vedanta foundation. Its efforts to sell another 1000 acres were aborted by the High Court.

---- In the 1980s, the then Kerala chief minister K Karunakaran ordered the Guruvayur Temple to deposit Rs 10 crore with the state treasury to offset a government deficit. Whether this money was ever returned or not is uncertain. In addition, the temple's land holdings were decimated from 13000 acres to 230 acres by the Land reforms Act which conveniently excluded non-Hindu institutions.

                        These examples pose two ethical questions. Does the government have the right to use religious money for secular purposes? Can money from Hindu charities be diverted to Muslim and Christian bodies without the consent of the former?

Answers to both these questions have been clarified by the Karnataka High Court. Castigating illegal siphoning off of funds, the court categorically decreed, "Devotees of Hindu temples provide money for temple purposes and it cannot be spent for non-Hindu causes."

                 This no –nonsense, unequivocal verdict should categorically silence the uncouth clamor calling for the Padmanabhaswamy treasure to be used for secular causes like deficit reduction or a new subway system. Enough is enough. This is Hindu money and can be utilized only for Hindu purposes for which there is a definite need.

                   Throughout the ages, Hindu temples, because of their opulence have evoked envy and greed leading at times to their destruction. The greater part of the second millennium saw Muslims loot, plunder, and raze hundreds of Hindu temples. In modern times, Hindu temples are not being physically destroyed: they are being economically bled to death by unprincipled governments pursuing a warped policy.

                 Stephen Knapp, a Western Vedic scholar and author of Crimes Against India and the Need to Protect its Ancient Vedic Tradition commenting on temple governance remarks: "Government officials have taken control of Hindu temples because they smell money in them, they recognize the indifference of Hindus, they are aware of the unlimited patience and tolerance of Hindus... Many Hindus are sitting and watching the demise of their culture. They need to express their views loud and clear."

(from sify news)

( Moderator: Using the cash donations and of Devotee Kings and Peasants

to the Holy Deity for any purpose other than Upkeep of temple and

Better facilities of Devotees WOULD BE CRIMINAL BREACH OF TRUST OF THE DONORS. Gifts in kinds should be PRESERVED AS THEY ARE FOREVER. That is the SACRED DUTY of the Temple Administrators))

When dark cellars revealed the riches of a Kerala temple

The survival of human race is on stake as long as Christianity, Islam and Nehruvians and its party type of Democracy survive on the earth.


Please Sponsor a Hindu Newspaper for your local Gov. school


It is high time that we need a pro-Hindu news paper in every Hindu homes. Also we are trying to find people who can sponsor a Hindu News paper in their local govt. school so that at least few people can get access to a Hindu media. Janmabhumi Daily is the only news paper always stand up for Hindu causes and its resident editor Mr. Sreekumar is requesting everyone to sponsor a news paper for their respective local govt. school. During his recent visit to NY, we got some commitments from the NY Hindus. The list is given below. It is my humble request to every Hindus in this forum to sponsor a new paper. It cost $25.00 for an annual subscription. Please contact Mr. Sreekumar ( or myself to add your name to the list;




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