Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tree cutting

Dear urvashi,

Live Video

I am sitting atop a 100 year old tree in Bangalore. 'Smart' local authorities want to hack this and many other trees in the city. But I am going to stop them, because I am a Fool for Forests.

Trees in Bangalore and several other cities are not the only ones threatened by the lack of long term planning. Millions of acres of forests and those who inhabit them face the same. If our government’s plan to mine coal in the lush green forests of Central and Eastern India succeeds, it will cause irreparable damage to the environment and people.

You are a fool for forests like me and certainly understand why it's important to save our forests. We need to get more fools like us to stand up for the forests.

Watch me and other Fools for Forests trying to save ancient trees in Bangalore and then ask your friends and family to become Fools for Forests like you.

Thanks a billion!

Brikesh Singh,
Greenpeace India

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