Thursday, October 25, 2012

Urvashi, Stop NIB

Hi Urvashi,

This is urgent. The government proposes to set up a National Investment Board (NIB) which will allow big companies in India and around the world to destroy our forests. The process of environmental clearances will become a sham, greater than it is already.

We need to send out a strong message to our Prime Minister and his cabinet that the NIB will only do more harm than good. Luckily the Environment and Tribal Affairs ministers of India are against the idea of the NIB and we need to support their statements. [1] Sign and share this petition with your network and lets ensure a strong voice reaches our PM.

You should ask Prime Minister Manmohan Singh: Stop the National Investment Board


Sign now!


As if the threat from coal mining was not enough, the creation of this body will only hasten the end of our forests. Wildlife, especially endangered species will be pushed closer to extinction and lakhs of people will lose their livelihoods.

The NIB is being proposed in the hope of improving India’s economy but allowing the destruction of our natural wealth only makes lakhs of Indians, and the country as a whole, poorer. Big coal projects will get easy access to plunder our forests and with impacted communities not even getting a say in these clearances it undermines India’s democracy! We know the long term costs of coal on our environment and people’s health far outweighs the short run economic benefits of exploiting coal!

Since last year, over 250,000 have pledged our support for saving forests. This is yet another opportunity to let our leaders know that we don’t want them to destroy our national wealth for their profit making plans.


Sign now!



Picture of Brikes Singh

Brikesh Singh
Greenpeace India

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  1. Jayanthi Natarajan firm on taking up issue of NIB’s powers to Cabinet, October 22, 2012

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