Monday, July 18, 2011

Invitation to join us for the opening ceremony of The New School in Snehalaya Campus......


We have pleasure in inviting you to join us for the proud moment in the history of our organisation with our dream coming true. Yes, this year in Snehalaya Campus "Snehalaya International Public School" is ready to open its doors as a Main Stream School to provide education and vocational training to the children esp. Girls from the surrounding villages.We invite you to join us for the inauguration of this school on 23rd Aug. 2011 at Snehalaya, on Jhansi Road (16 KM stone) , village Sikroda, Distt. Gwalior 475 001, M.P. India, to coincide with our annual function from 21st to 23rd Aug. If possible, please join us for all three days, but if not, please make it as per your convenience on any day esp. on 23rd. Several VIPs and dignitaries are expected to join for the occasion including many of our supporters and volunteers from overseas. We hope you will make all efforts to share this moment with us. There will be annual sports competition on 21st, annual cultural events on 22nd and prize distribution to winners & inauguration of the new school on 23rd Aug. Enclosed is the invitation and the programme.

As you know we publish a Souvenir every year and it is being published this year also. It will be released on 23rd Aug. 2011 with inauguration of the new School there. Please send your articles or  messages at the earliest preferably by e mail (it should reach us latest by 31st July 2011) for inclusion in this Souvenir. Advertisements are welcome too. The souvenir is circulated to nearly 25000 people all over the World as well remains available on internet.

This year is very significant for us having achieved another important mile stone with beginning of this main stream school in Snehalaya campus. Our childrens hospital in Gwalior city has also been restarted after necessary renovation and repair works on 8th July this year as Gwalior General Hospital with an ICU and Trauma Centre. All this could not have happened without your support. This new school will cater for children (esp. girls) from surrounding villages. The girls will be provided every thing including books, uniforms, food, education and health care as well Rs.10 per day for attending the school with vocational training. The aim is to make them independent; the girls remain illiterate, uneducated and undergo oppression all their life otherwise. Here I will like to add that we have already been running a school for special needs in Snehalaya since opening of Snehalaya on 23rd Aug. 2006 providing education and training to the children with disabilities resident in Snehalaya as well to those from local community as well providing total care for the 63 children resident in Snehalaya. "Dr. Meena Sharma Memorial Hospital with its eye and dental centres" continues to provide primary and emergency health care and  specialists' services to the residents in Snehalaya and to local community in villages from within Snehalaya Campus. We also run mobile clinics in urban slums and rural areas alongwith "Integrated rural development work" in 19 villages there, as well provide solar light to the school going children in villages under our "Light for Education Programme", more details on    

We welcome volunteers from all walks of life including students and trainees to help us for these works either from their own place or on the floor there in Gwalior, India. Please consider helping us carry these works further esp. for the maintenance of the school and education of the girls there and or to provide for the children in Snehalaya or for local community in slums and villages there as per your preferences. We use 100% of funds received only for the work as per wishes of the donor/sponsor and keep every one informed/updated with the ongoing work and its progress frequently. Please convey our message to every one you know who may like to help us in any way or volunteer their time, skills and energy as per their interest and expertise.

All donations are tax exempted in UK, USA, India and other countries as per rules in the country of residence of the donor. Please visit and donate on line or send the cheque made to "Gwalior Children's Charity". Tax payers in UK can gift aid it increasing by 25%  and higher rate tax payers can reclaim refund of 25% in their tax returns. To donate Click-here

US tax payers can donate with tax benefits through GlobalGiving, to donate in US$ Click-here.

Tax payers in India for tax exemption under section 80G of IT act should pay to "Gwalior Hospital and Education Charitable Trust or to Snehalaya Charitable Trust". Please do not hesitate in asking for any questions or further information. Please confirm, thanks again, with regards and best wishes,



Founder and Chairman, for all Trustees and members of advisory board,

Gwalior Childrens Charity, Dr. Meena Sharma Memorial Foundation in UK.

Gwalior Hospital and Education Charitable Trust including Snehalaya in India.  


Dr. B.K. Sharma,

at Akanksha, Gwalior Childrens Hospital Campus,

Opposite Jhansi Road Police Station,

Gwalior- 474 009 (India)

Tel. +91(0)751 2435537 Mob. 0091 9425113822

Email: or        

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